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Junior Professorship Intercultural Education
Junior Professorship Intercultural Education 

Welcome to the Junior Professorship of Educational Science with a Focus on Intercultural Pedagogy!

On these pages you will find the profiles of the chair's staff as well as information on current courses, research foci, guidelines for academic work and information about the internship in the study focus Intercultural Education.

Profile of the Professorship

The Junior Professorship in Educational Science with a Focus on Intercultural Education concentrates on research and teaching relating to education and training in the context of a heterogeneous and diverse society. This includes consideration of multidimensional experiences of belonging and attribution, with a focus on migration, language, gender/sex, sexual orientation, class, ethnicity/ethnicisation and territorial origin and their intersections within a pedagogy that stands opposed to discrimination and racism.

Our research focuses on linguistic and cultural diversity in educational institutions, education for sustainable development, critical diversity studies, gender relations, political and cultural education, democracy education, peace education and postcolonial and critical approaches to education. The transfer of pedagogical theory into practice, the promotion of a critical and reflective attitude and the awareness of inequality and violence in society – and the need for transformation – all play an important part in our work. 

Courses are offered in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in education. Teaching is focused on imparting and reflecting on the basic theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge required in the context of the demands made of education against the backdrop of social, political, linguistic and cultural diversity.