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Psychology of learning with digital media
Psychology of learning with digital media
Portrait: Dipl.-Psych. Claudia Wachsmuth
Dipl.-Psych. Claudia Wachsmuth

Research interests

  • Self-regulated learning
  • Possibilities to support childen/pupils with ADHD, dyslexia or dyscalculia in self-regulated learning
  • Metacognitive prompting
since 10/2010 Research assistant at the chair of Psychology of learning with digital media at the Technical University of Chemnitz (03/2012 – 03/2017 parental leave)
03/2008 - 12/2010 Psychologist at Integrativen Zentrum zur Förderung hyperkinetischer Kinder (IZH) in Merseburg and Chemnitz
08/2008 - 07/2010 Master of Arts in Integrative Lerntherapie Ressourcenmanagement und Entwicklungsförderung at TUCed GmbH Chemnitz Master thesis: Förderung eines positiven Selbstkonzepts bei rechenschwachen Kindern im Rahmen der Integrativen Lerntherapie.
04/2008 Diploma in psychology at the Chemnitz University of Technology Diploma thesis: Selbstwert und Selbstwertdiskrepanzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit AD(H)S.

Research and projects

ADHD and self-regulated learning, self-regulated learning with metacognitive prompting
Self-regulated learning has been an often discussed topic for several years. Using computers as part of a learning process allows teachers to consider learners’ individual characteristics and provide optimal support. Children with ADHD lack the ability to regulate their own learning processes in an appropriate manner, which comprises a necessary competence for solving most computer-based tasks. For this reason, they have great difficulties in concentrating on relevant information, while at the same time suppressing irrelevant opportunities that arise from the computerized environment. The current research focuses on metacognitive prompting as adequate way to support pupils with ADHD in computer-based self-regulated learning tasks.
  • Rudolph, C. (2010). Förderung eines positiven Selbstkonzepts bei rechenschwachen Kindern im Rahmen der Integrativen Lerntherapie Unpublished master thesis. TUCed Chemnitz

  • Rudolph, C. (2008). Selbstwert und Selbstwertdiskrepanzen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit AD(H)S Unpublished diploma thesis. Technical University of Chemnitz.
  • Wachsmuth, C., Bannert, M. & Weiß, T. (2011). Validierung eines Instruments zur Erfassung der Selbstwirksamkeit für computer-und webbasiertes Lernen (SCWL). 13. Fachgruppentagung Pädagogische Psychologie der DGPs (Erfurt, 14.09. - 16.09.2011)

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