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Working with MediaTexts. Deconstructing and Constructing Crises in Europe.

The present volume is the productive result of multilateral academic collaboration between institutions of higher education from Germany (Chemnitz), Macedonia (Ohrid, Bitola), Albania (Vlora) and Serbia (Niš). The collaboration, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), was set up to establish a West-East Dialogue and a better understanding and processing of the crises in Europe through the deconstruction and construction of media texts. The contributions in this volume illustrate how "crises" are constructed by the media discursively, with attention paid to the linguistic elements of media texts, and in some cases accompanying images. The authors in this volume are students and established scholars that come from different but intersecting disciplines. They each focus on different "crises" in different (national) media outlets, offering new perspectives on how social, political and geographical events may be shaped by the media, and how these mediatised portrayals may in turn influence public perspectives on a range of issues.


The book REAL 12 follows the successful series of REAL publications. Research in English and Applied Linguistics (=REAL) is Josef Schmied's book series published in Göttingen, Germany by Cuvillier Verlag, publishing company. This edition Working with Media Texts: Deconstructing and Constructing Crises in Europe contains various articles focusing on media discourse analysis, edited by Josef Schmied and Isabelle van der Bom:


Schmied, J./I. van der Boom. (2017). Preface: From Spin to Fake News: Background to the Cooperation with SE European University Students, v-viii.

Ebermann, D. (2017). "You'd be in jail": Hate Speech during the US Presidential Campaigns 2016, 197-218.

Đorđević, J. (2017). Discursive Strategies in Headlines and Leads in Online Articles: Intention vs. Realization, 99-120.

Dheskali, V. (2017). Hedging and Boosting in Albanian, British and Italian Online News Articles in Europe, 135-164.

Janusheva, V. (2017). “The Ground Shakes Down; the Tourists Leave the City”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Five News Reports on an Earthquake in Macedonia, 77-86.

Kostadinovska-Stojchevska, B. (2017). A Journalistic “Crisis”: Contrastive Approach on Journalistic Writing in Macedonian News Reporting, 71-76.

Lazarevska-Stancevska, J. (2017). A Linguistic Comparison of Headlines in News Media Services, 63-70.

Panajoti, A. & Toska, B. (2017). Action Verbs in Blog Post Headlines, 121-134.

Petrovska, I. (2017). Language in Media Discourse: A Cross-Linguistic Comparison, 87-98.

Schmied, J. (2017). DIgesting Crises in Europe (DICE): Deconstructing and Constructing Media Texts in Dialogue with Students, 1-18.