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Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing  

Advanced Manufacturing

Shrinking resources and simultaneously increasing demand is a global challenge on many fronts. Additionally, the desired product varieties are constantly increasing and the batch sizes to produce identical products are shrinking. The solution for these challenges is to create sustainable products through flexible and efficient production processes with the help of strong information networks and new manufacturing technologies.

The challenges of humanity today are manifold: preservation of the environment, provision of drinkable water, reliable supply of green energy, sustainable supply chains, access to healthcare, resource-efficient mobility, humane digitalisation just to name a few.

We equip ambitious students with latest knowledge to shape a future, to preserve this precious planet earth, to serve the people by designing efficient, smart and sustainable technologies. We make you a German Engineer - a brand that stands for highest standards in quality, precision, robustness and functionality.

Advanced Manufacturing - modern-day knowledge for a better tomorrow.