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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Materials and Surface Engineering
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Visit of the IUL Dortmund at the IWW

The Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL) at TU Dortmund University and the IWW have been cooperating for many years in various research projects and currently also in the DFG Research Group 5380 („FUNDAM³ENT“). Accordingly, the entire IUL team was delighted to visit on 10 April 2024.

Together with Institute Director Prof A. Erman Tekkaya and Prof Yannis Korkolis, 33 scientists accepted the invitation from the IWW. After Prof Martin F.-X. Wagner gave a short presentation on the IWW's main areas of research, the visitors were able to take a tour of the laboratory to gain an impression of the technical equipment and the current research topics of the four IWW professorships. The focus was on the thin-film processes PVD and CVD, the corrosion testing laboratory with microcorrosion cell, plasma electrolytic anodisation, the robot-assisted electroplating system, the ECAP process, static and (highly) dynamic materials testing and the new powder atomisation system. Interesting questions were discussed in lively technical discussions and the foundations for further co-operation were laid. The entire IWW team would like to thank the IUL for their visit to Chemnitz and looks forward to working with them in the future!

23.4.2024 – Events of the professorship ( )