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Faculty of Computer Science
Degree Programs
Faculty of Computer Science 

Degree Programs

Automotive Software Engineering
(Master of Science)


University degree, e.g.
Language Requirements: Englisch language skills must be
The degree program can be studied in German or English as language of tuition.
Standard period of study : 4 terms
Course Language: German, English
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Starting of the course: winter term, summer term
Application: free admission
The prodedure is strictly predefined and must be followed in all details!
Deadlines: All deadlines for applications are defined by Technische Universität Chemnitz.

More information about enrolment

For more information on the degree programme, also on this Webpage.


Degree Programm flyer | .pdf

Program information | .pdf | barrier-free

Further information

Study and examination regulation

Course Planner Version 2010 / Version 2013 / Version 2016

Information regarding application for admission to studies

The application is made online.


The master program Automotive Software Engineering is related to the faculties research field ESS: Embedded Selforganizing Systems.
Important subjects are Autosar: Automotive Software Architechture, Car-to-Car communication and driver assistance algorithms.
Automotive, avionics and mechanical systems are important application areas for most modern industries. The design of embedded control units in these areas relies on methods of computer science and engineering. Specific aspects of the development of these hardware/software systems are in the main focus of this Master degree program. The program provides knowledge and skills in three fields:
  • Automotive Software Engineering
  • Embedded Systems
  • Real-Time and Communication Systems


Automotive Software Technology (1st-3rd semester)
Embedded Systems (1st-3rd semester)
  • Formale Spezification and Verification

Elective modules, e.g.

  • Automotive Software Engineering
  • Multicore Programming
  • Optimization in Compiler Construction
  • Image Processing
  • Model-Driven Software Development
  • Software Engineering and Programming Foundations
  • Software Platforms for Automotive Systems
  • Software Design for Embedded Systems

Elective modules, e.g.

  • Hardware/Software-Codesign I und II
  • Distributed Operating Systems
  • Embedded Software Lab
  • Automotive Sensor Systems
  • Advanced Integrated Circuit Technology
Real-Time and Communication Systems (1st-3rd semester) Computer Science (1st-3rd semester)
Elective modules, e.g.
  • Software Service Engineering
  • Timing-Aware Programming for Embedded Systems
  • Real-Time Systems
  • Depedable Systems
  • Mobile Networks
Elective modules, e.g.
  • Data Security and Cryptography
  • Hardware Development with VHDL
  • Computer Graphics
  • Neurocognition
  • Human-Computer Interaction

Key Competences (2nd-3rd semester)

  • Current Trends in Computer Science
  • Fundamental Scientific Methods
  • Business Planning and Management of Startups
  • Basic research orientation
  • Distribution of Technical Devices
  • Spanish
  • For non-native German speakers: German as a foreign language

Module Research Seminar Computer Science and Module Research Internship (3rd semester)

Module Master Thesis (4th semester)

Grafik Studiengang ASE



Students have to plan their individual schedule of lessons.

Planning the  individual schedule of lessons for the masterprogram Automotive Software Engineering
is a two step process. First, the complete masterprogram over all semesters must be planned. In this step
different optional lessons can be selected in order to set an individual focus.  It is VERY IMPORTANT
to plan first the complete masterprogram.

Then, in a second step the schedule of lessons for the actual semester can be planned. Hereby the actual offered lessons must be recognized. The list of lessons in winter term differs from summer term.

Step 1:
Use faculty's planing tool: Studienplaner
This helpful planning tool is based on the actual study documents.
Please read the following
Step 2:
Now, you may plan the list of lessons for the actual semester.
Therefor the central list of lessons is the relevant basis.
Our central tool for planning the actual semsteter is:
Mein Stundenplan
Please read the following


There is no English translation availabel. But the following document is a collection of important hints translated into English language concerning the study- and examination regulations of the master program Automotive Software Engineering (ASE) at the Technische Universität Chemnitz.
But this document is 
  • not exhaustive
  • not legally binding

Translated hints (PDF) | Translated modul descriptions  (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What are the examination performances in the subject “German as Foreign Language”?
    The examination consists of two parts:
  • a written exam (leads to A2-certificate) and
  • a translation task, which can only be performed and credited, if the A2-certificate is passed.
  1. Is there a registration necessary for the translation task in the subject “German as Foreign Language”?
    Yes, you have to register for the translation task in OPAL, which is possible at the beginning of each semester.
  2. Who can be the supervisor of the master thesis?
    Advisor of the master thesis can be every professor from the department of Computer Science (link to the professorships), but the professorship should be related to the topic of the thesis.
  3. Is it possible to prolong the editing time?
    The student can make an application with giving reasons for prolonging the editing time for up to 6 additional weeks – if the reason is illness, a medical certification is necessary (link to the form).
Further imformation is provided by Student Service.


The research internship will be offered at the Computer Engineering chair under supervison of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Hardt. For excellent students, further external research internships in the domain of embedded & automotive systems at different companys are possible.

During this internship you learn basic skills for scientific working and thinking. Major work packages include literature research, conceptual design, implementation, structured tests as well as critical analysis, discussion and technical documentation. Each student has to learn to act on his own accord over a longer time period in order to solve/process a given research project.

This course is also open to other computer science master students. The research internsip is suitable for all master students after the 2nd semestre. It is always offered at the SS and WS. If you undertake a research internship at a company beginning during the semestre is also possible.



  • registration

A registration about the OPAL course must always occur.

It is necessary that your documents are complete. This means in particular the declaration of your current credit points and the "summary of achievements". In case of an external research internship the topic with a description of your task as well as the responsible person in the company must be given. Only complete registrations will be further processed.

  • report

The report must have a cover, a table of contents and literature list and enclose at least 18 pages with content. In case of an external research internship the company must confirm the report with stamp and signature.

The responsible supervisor should rate the achievement. For this the rating sheet which is handed over with the topic confirmation is to be used.

The research internship report and the rating sheet has to be sent to ce-teaching@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de not later than one month after finishing the research internship.

  • external research internships

In case you organise independently a research internship at a company, the topic and scope must be confirmed BEFORE BEGIN. Otherwise no claim to acceptance exists. Hence, the registration must be also carried out for external research internships. Following you get notice about confirmation within one week.

You receive the necessary certificate about mandatory internship with the acceptance notification.​


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Is a registration necessary?
    Yes, it is mandatory to register before the research internship begins. Keep in mind that the registration is binding. Also keep in mind to register your research internship early enough before planned start because we need at least 2 weeks for final approval.
  2. How long does the research internship take?
    It takes 12 weeks.
  3. Can the research internship be longer than 12 weeks?
    Yes, it is possible, but only 12 weeks are mandatory – all time exceeding 12 weeks is optional.
  4. Can the topic / the company be changed?
    Yes, for one time. But then, the first internship has to be aborted (mark 5.0) and the second has to be registered again.
  5. Is there a template for the internship report?
    No, there is no dedicated template. The report has to meet the standards of a scientific report. Use the outline provided in the guideline for the master thesis (link to the guideline) as an orientation.
  6. What about the contents of the internship report?
    The report of the research internship is a scientific work – no diary, which means it follows a structure and statements have to be proofed.
  7. What amount shall the report have?
    The amount is 17 – 22 pages. If this range is undershot or exceeded it leads to a degradation of the mark.
  8. Are there any formal requirements to the written report, if the internship was performed in a company?
    Yes, it needs to be stamped by the company and signed by the supervisor.


  9. What to do if I have further questions?                                                                                                      

    Contact via email ce-teaching@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de. Please note, that the handling time is at least 7 working days (Saturday and Sunday are not business days). Please do not spam the ce-team – you will receive an answer!​

The master thesis is the first scientific report for master students. The master thesis must be presented at Technische Universität Chemnitz. 

The topic of a master thesis is related to actual research in automotive software engineering.  The master student will prove by the master thesis and the presentation the ability to solve a given problem within a limited time frame with scientific methods. 

Advisor of the master thesis can be every professor from the department of Computer Science (link to the professorships), but the professorship should be related to the topic of the thesis. Please note that every professorship can have additional rules for supervising a master thesis. 

The master thesis must be written by the student himself. All used references must be cited and included into the reference list.

Aim of qualification:
The master student will prove by the master thesis and the presentation the ability to solve a given problem within a limited time frame with scientific methods. 

For further  information see  study documents, page 62.

Students who choose a master thesis topic form professorship Computer Engineering see hints for registration, organisation and editing.


Students from other faculties 

In general, students form other faculties can apply for a master thesis topic from faculty for computer science. Therefore some regulations  are necessary. Interested students send their:

- report of research project 

- actual student profile with subjects and degree (Leistungsübersicht) and

- named concrete research area for master thesis topic 

to ce-teaching@cs.tu-chemnitz.de



Companies and OEMs in the automotive and aviation industry seek graduated engineers who have successfully completed this Master degree program. Employment opportunities include: product development for control units, applied research and quality assurence.

The successful completion of the study allows the smooth transition to doctoral programmes and the execution of challenging activities in the field of technical development of control systems for vehicles, aeroplanes and machinery.

For example, the following fields of activity are prospective occupations:

  • Automotive industry
  • Aerospace industry
  • Mechatronics control systems
  • Robotics


Chirill Svet, graduate of the Master degree program Automotive Software Engineering

«I am studying Automotive Software Engineering at Technische Universität Chemnitz because of the provided outstanding environment: we develop course-related applications on original onboard control units of well-known automobile manufacturers. We process data from genuine BMW test vehicles and attend lectures held by guest professors that work for potential future employers, and teach in-depth knowledge and practical experiences».


Academic advisor
Portrait: Prof. Wolfram Hardt
Prof. Wolfram Hardt

Portrait: Dr. Frank Seifert
Dr. Frank Seifert

Consultation-hour: upon prior appointment!

Examination board

Student Service - Central Course Guidance Service