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The Accession of the TU Chemnitz to the National Pact for Women in MINT-Careers

On the 27 Mai 2013, the TU Chemnitz joined the National Pact for Women in MINT-Careers - "Go MINT.". The acronym MINT stands for Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Technology! The TU Chemnitz was the first university in Saxonyto join this initiative by the Federal Government.

This initiative intends to increase the number of female freshmen and female graduates in the scientific and technical subjects and to support women on their way to the top.

What "Go MINT." Is

Logo komm mach MINT

"Go MINT." – the National Pact for women in MINT-Careers brings together the competencies of politics, economics, science, social partners and media to change the image the general public has of MINT-careers.

"Go MINT." is a part of the qualification initiative of the Federal Government "Advancement through Education" and was commenced in 2008 as an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science. The Goal is to captivate young women to study natural science and technical subjects as well as to attain female graduate students for careers in economics and science.

260 Partners support the current goal with a large variety of activities and measures, to, for example, help with the selection of study programmes and career orientation for young women. The offices of "Go MINT." are located in the competence centre Technology-Diversity-Equality e.V.

The information portal komm-mach-mint.de [de] gives an overview of the broad spectrum of services to attain young female professionals with concrete advice, recommendations of action and a national project map with more than 1.000 projects