GenderConsulting Network in Research Associations
The TU Chemnitz is an active member of the GenderConsulting Network. The Network focuses on an intense exchange on the topic of equality measures and strategies as well as on the DFG financed and coordinated research programmes. With the regular network meetings and exchange of communication with the DFG, the attending equality participants help support the advancement and quality insurance of the consulting/guidance process in the field of GencerConsulting.
The GenderConsulting Network in research associations admits upon request new members that belong to the group mentioned above of equality participants. The respective speaker confirms the membership.
Central aims of the GenderConsulting Network in research associations are
Exchange of experience
- With consulting strategies and processes
- On the integration of GenderConsuting in the application processes for research associations and on the cooperation with research and other organisational units of the respective university
- On best-practice and quality insurance of the implementation of equality aims/goals and measures for research associations
- Formulation of quality standards of GenderConsulting at universities
- Developing strategies for the quality insurance and securing the sustainability of equality measures initiated by GenderConsulting in research associations
- Establishing GenderConsulting in the field of science management
- Sustainable co-operation with the DFG and other relevant third-party donors
The GenderConsulting Network in research associations cooperates with the BuKof by
- Submitting a report based on the annual conference of the BuKof within the frame of the member assemblies and
- the forwarding of the respective protocol to the BuKof-board under the prerequisite of confidentiality and
- the cooperation with the BuKof-board in the case of the overlapping of science-policy and strategic questions
The network works together with other established equality networks and associations (Federal Conferences, Equality Controlling Network, GEx14 Network, Women and Equality Commissioner of the TU9 etc.) as well as with national and international science policy participants/players.
The network strives to have systematic cooperation in particular with the DFG and other major third-party donors, for example, BMBF and the EU, to solidify the forwarding and sustainability of implementations for equality in research associations.
The GenderConsulting Network in Research Associations has rules for cooperation and visibility:
- The network elects a speaker committee of two speakers for the duration of two years. To secure the continuity of the work done by the committee, a new speaker is elected every year: in the first year, an annual election of a new speaker takes place. In the first year, the election of a new speaker for one year takes place. Re-election is possible.
- The speakers are elected with a simple majority of votes during a network meeting. The election date is announced no later than four weeks before the elections and is announced with an invitation to the meeting. The speakers can be dismissed from their duties based on a justified claim that is supported by a quarter of the members within the network.
- The speaker committee represents the network externally. The list of members is regularly updated by the speakers and made accessible to all members when changes occur.
- The network meeting usually takes place twice a year.
- The location of the network meetings rotate. The respective university hosting the network meeting is to invite all members promptly and coordinate the agenda, moderation and minute taking.
- Every university has one vote to cast. The representatives of a university decide on their own who is allowed to vote. A simple majority of votes generally adopts resolutions.
Universities | Responsible Institution |
RWTH Aachen | Administrative Department Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management, Career Development Division |
University of Bayreuth | Office of the Women’s Representative / Head of the Administrative Department of Equal Opportunities |
Freie Universität zu Berlin | Office of the Women’s Representative |
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin | Office of the Central Women’s / Equality and Diversity Sensitive Research Management |
University of Braunschweig | Central Equality Commissioner |
University of Bremen | Division for Equal Opportunities |
Chemnitz University of Technology | Central Equality Commissioner, Equality Office – Service Genderconsulting DFG |
Darmstadt University of Technology | Equality Office/ Coordination Gender Consulting |
University of Duisburg-Essen | Office of the Equality Commissioner |
University of Frankfurt am Main | Central Equality Commissioner, Equality Office / Coordinator of Gender Consulting |
University of Freiburg | Head Administrative Department Gender and Diversity |
University of Göttingen | Central Equality Commissioner |
HAW Hamburg | Equality Commissioner |
Hannover Medical School | Central Equality Commissioner, Office of the Equality Commissioner |
University of Heidelberg | Central Equality Commissioner |
University of Kassel | Central Women’s Representative / Office for Women and Equality, Consultant for Equality Oriented Promotion of Young Researchers |
University of Kiel | Equality Office |
Cologne University | Consultant for Gender Quality Management |
University of Konstanz | Consultant for Equality and Family Support / Consultant for Gender Consulting |
University of Mannheim | Administrative Department for Equality and Social Diversity, Genderconsulting |
Technical University of Munich | TUM. Diversity and Talent Management |
University of Paderborn | Central Equality Commissioner / Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities |
University of Stuttgart | Service Gender Consulting |
University of Tübingen | Equality Office |
LaKoG Baden-Württemberg | Management |
LaKoG Nordrhein-Westfalen | Coordination Office |
LaKoG Hamburg | Speaker |