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Equality and Family
Important Information for DFG-Applicants
Equality and Family 

Important Information for DFG-Applicants

The promotion of equal opportunities in science is at the basis of the DFG funding. Equality and equal opportunity concepts are a quality criterion of the application evaluation.

“The German Research Foundation promotes the equality of men and women in research“. (Article 1 (3) DFG)

Flyer: The coordination office for gender equality activities in the research consortia provides information on the DFG's equal opportunities programme.

The coordinating body as well as the equality commissioner support the research associations with the establishing of individual text blocks, the selection of suitable equality measures for your research project, as well as with the necessary connection to the measures of the equality concept of the TU Chemnitz. Here you will find information on promoted measures as well as to the framework conditions of the equal opportunity measures in coordinated DFG-procedure.