Team, External Researchers & Adjunct Lecturers
Dr. Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel

research, transfer and international projects
- 2024 QuaSiSocI - Qualitätssicherung für Soziale Innovationen in Sachsen
- 2023 ReFoSocI - Regionale Fokusgruppen für Soziale Innovationen in Sachsen
- 2023 Freie Kunst und Kultur in Chemnitz & die Kulturstrategie 2030
- 2021-2023 Value Capital Innovation
- 2021 Kulturgesichter Chemnitz Wortmeldungen
- 2021 Sozial.Innovativ.Sächsisch.
- 2017-2021 JointExpertise
- 2019-2020 ARTEM OCC 2020
- 2023 ReFoSocI - Regionale Fokusgruppen für Soziale Innovationen in Sachsen
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. (2024): The international Sharing Economy in South Africa: Serving the Privileged but hardly the Poor. British Academy of Management, Nottingham, England. 2nd-6th of September 2024.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. (2024): Social Innovation beyond Social Entrepreneurship, 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference, Bern, Switzerland. 2nd-4th of September 2024.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. & Lay-Kumar, J. (2023): Sustainable Finance in Deutschland Ist-Zustand und Rahmenbedingungen. Working Papers of the Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management (BWL IX), TU Chemnitz. Version 14-1. 05.11.2023
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. (2023): The Social Innovations Process of Social Service Organizations. 5th ARTEM OCC SYMPOSIUM, Durban, South Africa 7th-8th September 2023.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. and K. Akbar (2023): The international Sharing Economy in South Africa: Serving the Privileged but hardly the Poor. 5th ARTEM OCC SYMPOSIUM, Durban, South Africa 7th-8th September 2023.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. and S. Huesig (2023) "Business Patterns and Reverse Innovation Cycles in the Sharing Economy," 2023 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Monterrey, Mexico.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. (2023) "The Process of Social Innovations in Social Service Organizations," 2023 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Monterrey, Mexico.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2023). The Social Innovation Process of Small and Medium-Sized Social Service Organizations. RnD Management Conference, 19-21 June 2023, Sevilla, Spain
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2023). Utilization of Online Platforms by Social Entrepreneurs for Social Sustainable Development. In Research Anthology on Approaches to Social and Sustainable Entrepreneurship (pp. 235–257). IGI Global.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A., & Heinbucher, D. (2022). Cultural and Creative Industries under Corona Circumstance in Chemnitz. In Artem organizational creativity and sustainability—International conference—Book of abstract
- Frenz, R., & Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2022). Covid-19 as a Chance for Ideation? How Online Workshops Compare to Traditional Face-to-Face Idea Generation Workshops. In Artem organizational creativity and sustainability—International conference—Book of abstract
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. & Hüsig, S. (2022). Development and Factors of Survival of (New) Business Ideas in the Online Sharing Economy. PICMET Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET). Portland, Oregon.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2022). Eine Fallstudie zum Innovationssystem für soziale Innovationen in Sachsen. Working Papers of the Chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management (BWL IX), TU Chemnitz. Version 13-1. 22.04.2022
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2022). Perceiving Sustainability: A Workshop Concept for Creating Awareness and Building Knowledge About Sustainable Development. In Achieving Sustainability Using Creativity, Innovation, and Education: A Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 173-196). IGI Global.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. & Schell, E. (2022): Sharing offline and for idealistic purposes in Germany. International Journal of Technology Management. (pp.270-293).
- Erne Schell & Anja Herrmann-Fankhänel (2021): The overlooked part of the Sharing Economy that really is idealistic and widespread: Offline Sharing Models in Germany; Sharing Cultures: 7th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, Barcelona
- Liebold, S., & Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. (2020): Stadt mit zukunftsträchtigen Ideen zur Nachhaltigkeit – Chemnitzer Ansätze für verbrauchsarme Lebenswelt in einem interdisziplinären Seminar untersucht. CWE-Dialog, 03/2020.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anja, and Stefan Huesig (2020): An Empirical Based View on the Sharing Economy in Germany: More Mainstream Economy than Collaborative Commons? International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anja; Breßler, Julia (2020): Interactive workshop: Global Sustainable Development. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 250-253.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anja; Lindl, Titus (2020): Research Project: Leadership in Growing Organizations. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 78-80.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anja; Hohmuth, Silke (2020): Female Business // Innovation ”Fearless Girls”. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 361-364.
- Schell, Erne; Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anja (2020): A conceptualization of idealistic and capitalistic sharing models as partial organizations - A Delineation by the example of Germany. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 120-123.
- Frenz, Rebecca, Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anja; Tarekegne, Jonas (2020): Gamification & Ideation - An empirical Analysis. 3rd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 19.-21.03.2020, Chemnitz, Book of Abstracts, ARTEM OCC 2020 Edition, pp. 59-62.
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, A. (2020). The sharing economy in Germany and Vietnam-is it internationally uniform?. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 9(3), 214-247.
- Frenz, R., Bucher, J., & Hermann-Fankhänel, A. (2019). Is an Artist a Better Scientist?: An Empirical Analysis on the Impact That Artistic Activity Has on a Scientist's Achievement. In Imagination, Creativity, and Responsible Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (pp. 102-125). IGI Global.
- Dressler, A & Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2019): Analyzing the SDGs and their 169 Targets: On the Way from Uncovering Misinterpretations to a Realistic Consideration of Practical Feasibility. EURAM Conference, Lisbon
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2019). Utilization of Online Platforms by Social Entrepreneurs for Social Sustainable Development. In Strategic Marketing for Social Enterprises in Developing Nations (pp. 75-102). IGI Global.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A; Hüsig, S.; Doanova, T. (2019): 12. AAE Summer and Winter School – Verantwortliches und nachhaltiges Management von Innovationen im urbanen und globalen Kontext bringt Studierende, Doktoranden und Professoren zusammen, CWG-Dialog, 1, 8-10.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2019): How to take Advantage of Online Platforms like the Sharing Economy does. In: Moritz, M., & Wulfsberg, J. P. (Eds.). (2018). Co-Creation: Reshaping Business and Society in the Era of Bottom-up Economics. Springer.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2018): An international perspective on Sharing Economy:Impact of online laptforms in Germany and South Africa. Business Management Conference 23.-24-08.2018 in Durban
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2018): Does the Sharing Economy evolve ideal characteristics for doing businesses on online platforms? 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy. 28.-29.06.2018 in Mannheim
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. & Akbar, K. (2018): An international perspective on Sharing Economy:The impact of online platforms in Germany and South Africa. 5th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy. 28.-29.06.2018 in Mannheim
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2018): Die Sharing Economy als Bestandteil der Wertschöpfung des Wirtschaftsstandortes Deutschland. In: Redlich T., Moritz M., Wulfsberg J. (eds) Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Zukunft der Wertschöpfung. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2017): A portray of the Sharing Economy in Germany and the possible contribution to social sustainability, Drittes i-share Symposium 08.-09.11.2017 in Mannheim.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2017): Social Sustainability through Sharing Economy? Dynamics and Embeddedness of the Sharing Economy in Germany, 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference, 14.-16.09.2017, Nancy, Frankreich.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. (2016): Auswirkungen der Sharing Economy auf die Wertschöpfung des Wirtschaftsstandortes Deutschland: Eine Untersuchung der Innovationen und Veränderungsprozesse auf den Ebenen der Volkswirtschaft, der Unternehmungen und der Individuen. 1. interdisziplinäre Konferenz zur Zukunft der Wertschöpfung, Hamburg.
- Herrmann-Fankhänel, A. & Hüsig, S. (2016): How much social innovation is behind the online platforms of the sharing economy?: An exploratory investigation and educing of clusters in the German context. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET). Hawaii.
- Online and offline sharing economy
- Survival and Death in the Sharing Economy
- Country Comparisons on the Sharing Economy
- business models of the sharing economy
- Creative Industries
- innovation system
- Innovations in the field of non-profit organizations
- Social Innovation and Catalytic Innovation
- Solidarity and alternative economic concepts
- Economic Sustainability and Sustainable Finance
- Social Entrepreneurship and Shared Value Concepts
- Social Franchise
- Female Entrepreneurship
- Catalytic innovation is the disruptive innovation for social problems (Christensen et al, 2006). The disruption literature already describes the challenges associated with regulation and how these can be circumvented (Huesig, et al 2014 & 2018). With regard to catalytic innovation, there are hardly any studies on regulatory challenges in improving or changing social practices and services. In Germany in particular, however, this is a key "non-market factor" because social work and social needs such as homelessness, migration, care and participation for people with physical and mental disabilities are regulated by law (Herrmann-Fankhaenel, 2022). Therefore, social assistance services such as advice, care, training, etc. are also clearly defined and regulated. So which aspects can possibly be transferred from the disruption literature to catalytic innovation and how can catalytic innovation be prepared and designed in a targeted manner on this basis in the future?
- What is the current state of the consulting market for small and medium-sized NPOs? - An industry analysis of the consulting market for (small) non-profit organizations
- Individual educational success in the context of the educational environment and implications for the ability to innovate in organizations with the research question: “To what extent can a matching between individual learning type and learning process and the educational path after university entrance qualification contribute to the ability to innovate of future employees and their (educational) career?”
- University Prize of TU Chemnitz for the dissertation "Sharing Economy - Innovations in Economy and Society enabled by Digital Technology (2023)
- Brad W. Hosler Outstanding Student Paper Honorable Mention from Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (2016)
- Application project Innovation management between intra- and entrepreneurship – Using the example of a platform for knowledge exchange by Spinlab Leipzig & Bitroad 2023-2024
- Application project Community Living as a Future Solution in Europe 2022-2023 together with bring together
- application project Culture@Corona 2021-2022
- Application project Hubs and Labs in Saxony as promoters of (social) entrepreneurship 2021-2022
- Career Field Study/Project for Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Economics, WiSe
- Lecture and Exercise Innovation and Consulting, WiSe
- Seminar Innovation Research, SoSe
- Application Projects Tutorial
- Application project Mercedes Benz – Kraftverkehr Chemnitz goes Science! 2020-2021
- Application project The Next Generation! – the next MOSi? II 2020-2021
- Application Project Conference Inspired Art 2019-2020
- Application Project Growth and Internationalization Strategy for the Digitalization of Consulting 2019-2020
- Application Project Disruptive Potential of Blockchain Technologies 2019-2020
- application project The Sustainable Manager 2018-2019
- Application Project Online and Offline Sharing Economy 2018-2019
- Application project Transdisciplinary and intercultural Innovation for sustainable development 2017-2018
- AAE Summer School 2025, Chemnitz & Berlin
- AAE Summer School 2023, Durban, South Africa
- AAE Summer School 2022, Nancy, France
- AAE Summer School 2020, Chemnitz, Germany
- AAE Summer School 2018, Durban, South Africa
- AAE Summer School 2017, Nancy, France
- AAE Summer School 2016, Durban, South Africa
- Research assistant at the Professorship of Innovation Research and Technology Management, since April 2017 for teaching, research and project JointExpertise
- Tutor of the Professorship of Innovation Research and Technology Management for MOS application projects, October 2016 - March 2017
- Research assistant at the Professorship of Innovation Research and Technology Management for AAE Summer School, April 2016 - September 2016
- Tutor of the Social Competencies Working Group, TU Chemnitz, April 2016 - March 2017
- parental leave 2015-2016
- Studied economics with a master's degree in Management and Organization Studies, TU Chemnitz, 2011-2014
- Project employee for projects on (re-)integration into the labor market of long-term unemployed people, single parents and people with a migration background, Chemnitz 2010-2014
- Project employee for major events, Chemnitz 2009-2010
- Diploma in Event, Sports and Marketing Management at the University of Cooperative Education Riesa, 2005-2008
- Training as a tourism assistant including stays abroad in Sri Lanka and Corsica, Chemnitz, 2003-2005
- Deputy decentralized equal opportunities officer of the Faculty of Economics from April 2022
- Decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Economics January 2020-March 2022
- Deputy Decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Economics April 2018-December 2019