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Experience Fascinating Research at the Long Night of Science

On June 3, 2023, numerous highlights from the field of science draw visitors to Chemnitz University of Technology – Premiere for the Chemnitz Lecture Hall Slam

Chemnitz University of Technology cordially invites interested parties on June 3, 2023, from 6 pm, as part of the TUCday, to the Long Night of Science. Until midnight, many rooms, experimental areas, and laboratories at the university sections Reichenhainer Straße and Straße der Nationen 62, as well as in the university library, are open to the public.

With nearly 80 program items, the Long Night of Science offers a fascinating and comprehensive insight into numerous research areas of Chemnitz University of Technology and invites you to discover, marvel and have conversations with scientists.

A special highlight this year is the 1st Chemnitz Lecture Hall Slam from 8 pm (admission from 7 pm) in lecture hall N115 of the Central Lecture Hall Building on the Reichenhainer Straße campus. At the Slam, some of the best German-speaking poets from Austria, Switzerland, Leipzig – and as a secret act, a professor from Chemnitz University of Technology – compete.

TU graduate and poetry slammer Toni Fischer, the German-language champion in Poetry Slam 2019, Friedrich Hermann from Jena, as well as the student council of Chemnitz University of Technology cordially invite you to the poets' competition about science, study, and the world at Chemnitz University of Technology.

Due to the high-caliber line-up, the 1st Chemnitz Lecture Hall Slam requires an admission fee of 10 euros (reduced: 5 euros). Tickets are available online from May 12, 2023, at the Universitas bookstore on the Reichenhainer Straße campus and at the box office.

Discover Research and Become Active Yourself

The program of the Long Night of Science includes some specials, for example:

Full VerNISCHELt ... Science with Brains (6 - 10 pm) by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Here, researchers present the latest manufacturing technology in a creative way – including the Chemnitz Karl Marx Monument, which is staged in a multifaceted way and is the center of several hands-on activities.

MAIN rocks (6 - 6:30 pm and at 7:20 pm, 8:20 pm and 9:30 pm) by the Research Center for Materials, Architectures, and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN). MAIN members accompany the activities of the Long Night of Science in the foyer of the MAIN research center with rockin' pop music from keyboard, string, and percussion instruments.

Bilingual Pub Quiz (from 7:30 pm) by the Faculty of Humanities in the Bar Ausgleich of the Mensa Reichenhainer Straße 55: Just guess together in a relaxed atmosphere and have fun.

In addition, other formats allow research to become tangible and, above all, to be experienced:

Tours through laboratories, clean rooms, and research halls provide insights into research methods, objects, materials, and devices. In addition, the university library informs about the history and architecture of its building – the traditional Alte Aktienspinnerei – and presents some "treasures" from its inventory and the archive.

Information stands in the lecture hall building of Chemnitz University of Technology offer lively insights into research and the opportunity for conversation with scientists. The topics range from artificial intelligence, nanoelectronics, new materials, lightweight construction, networked driving and robotics to bio-nano sensors and bio-nano computers.

Interactive exhibitions like that of the Faculty of Mathematics present exhibits like the Rubik's Cube and permutation puzzles. Combinatorial puzzles can also be solved at the stand.

Lectures such as "Demons in the Middle Ages" by the Faculty of Humanities, "Artificial Stupidity and Natural Intelligence" and "Not my Robots - Alienating and AI-generated Imagery" by the Faculty of Computer Science, or "Human Factors: The Science of People and Their Machines" provide backgrounds and classifications on exciting topics from research.

Those who want to hear, see and participate as much as possible at the Long Night of Science should put together their individual program beforehand. It is worth taking a look at the web of Chemnitz University of Technology: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tu/veranstaltungen/tuctag/lndw.html.

Background: TUCday – the University Day

On June 3, 2023, students, those interested in studying, TU graduates, and the general public can get to know and experience Chemnitz University of Technology in all its facets. From 1 pm until midnight, many doors are literally open – and that with a program as diverse as the university itself. The day starts with an open house and the 10th International Alumni Meeting. At 4 pm, the Children's University Chemnitz is open again for the youngest. And the Long Night of Science ends the TUCday. The events are concentrated on the university sections at Reichenhainer Straße and Straße der Nationen.

Parallel to all event formats as part of the TUCday, there will be food and beverages, hands-on activities, and small events, as well as cocktails and music for dancing in the evening on the campus square in front of the Central Lecture Hall Building.

TUCday program at a glance (constantly updated): https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/tuctag.

(Author: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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