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Open Access Search
Please find here an – constantly updated – overview regarding Open Access services.
1. Finding Open Access-versions of Paywall-articles
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is an academic search machine, indexing openly accessible full-texts of various subjects. Subsequent to search inquiry, the formats available (DOC, PDF, HTML) are listed on the right side of the indication of results.
Unpaywall is available for Chrome and Firefox. The plugin forwards you to the openly accessible versions of the currently called, non-full text-accessible document (click on the green tab for legal bypass of existing paywalls).
Open Access Button
Open Access Button works similar to Unpaywall and forwards to openly accessible versions as well. The search may be initiated via the search slot by DOI, URL, title and other indications. The Open Access Button may be used as well via the bookmarks bar of the browser. In the case that you are f.e. on the website of a document and click the button, you activate the search for an Open Access version of the contribution in the background.
CORE Discovery
CORE Discovery is a plugin for Chrome, Firefox and Opera providing the opportunity to find open version of Paywall-articles.
Availability check
Within the display of availability of articles, using Redi-Link, it is checked by oadoi whether there is an Open Access version of the article and displays that by green traffic light.
2. Exclusive Open Access publications
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
The DOAJ is a trans-disciplinary register of quality-reviewed Open Access academic journals and their articles.
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
The DOAB is a trans-disciplinary register of academic e-books published or going to be published with an Open Access-license.
BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) counts among the largest search engines for academic web-documents world-wide. The index includes more than 150 million documents deriving from over 7.000 sources. In the case of ca. 60% of the documents indexed by BASE, the full-texts are openly accessible (Open Access).
In the online-catalog of Chemnitz University Library, the following Open Access sources are embedded:
- MONARCH-Qucosa
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
- DissOnline
- Public-domain online-resources of the Southwest German Library Network
- Saxon Bibliography
- Openly accessible digital reproductions of other libraries
- Open Access-articles of publishers like Elsevier, Springer or Sage
By the filter option “Open Access” it is possible to limit the search results to openly accessible hits. In addition, it is possible to limit the research results to a determined source by the filter option “Data Collection”.
arXiv is a preprint-document server for the subjects physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finances, statistics, electrical engineering and system sciences as well as economics.
bioRxiv is a preprint-server for biology.
ChemRxiv is a preprint-server for chemistry.
CogPrints (Cognitive Sciences Eprint Archive)
CogPrints is an Open Access-server for self-archiving by the authors (mostly cognitive sciences).
engrXiv Preprints
engrXiv Preprints is a preprint-server for engineering sciences.
Europe PMC (Europe Pubmed Central)
Europe PMC s an Open Access-repository providing biomedical publications.
MONARCH-Qucosa is the publication server of Chemnitz University of Technology.
MPDI is an editor of academic Open Access-journals.
OAPEN is a Europe-wide platform for Open Access-release of books – in particular in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
Preprints (The Multidisciplinary Preprint Platform)
Preprints is a multidisciplinary preprint-server provided by MDPI.
PubMed is a medical subject-specific database for biomedical sciences and biotechnologies.
PsyArXiv is a preprint-repositories for sciences on the field of psychology.
Scilit is a multidisciplinary database maintained by MDPI. The data are extracted from Crossref and Pubmed.
SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe)
SHARE is provided by the Open Science Framework.
SSRN (Social Science Research Network)
Das SSRN is a preprint-server for humanities, social sciences and economics.