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Book a Librarian - Termin buchen

Specialized research Economics, law and sociology

Do you have a specific topic you would like to do some literature research on but don't know exactly how? We will show you how to proceed systematically to find helpful literature. We will also show you how to obtain fulltexts and how to cite them correctly. In doing so, we take into account subject-specific characteristics.

Contact person

Martina Jackenkroll

Martina Jackenkroll is subject librarian for economics, law and sociology. In these subjects she offers training and individual consultation in literature searching in German and English and is happy to be your contact for all questions regarding library topics.

  • Phone:
    +49 371 531-33482
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Straße der Nationen 33, 09111 Chemnitz
  • Room: