University News: Wirtschaft
Award-Winning Fiber Technology from Chemnitz
inca-fiber, one of the youngest startups at Chemnitz University, has received several awards in Germany and abroad
Using Light to Control Nerve Cells
Federal Ministry of Research provides funding for project for better medical devices at the Photonik Inkubator in Göttingen – Chemnitz University is a cooperation partner
Neural Networks and Birdsongs
Modern Automation in Birdwatching
Mini job with mini pay
Clickworking on the internet has advantages and disadvantages for those employed – Chemnitz University Professor Christian Papsdorf investigates the new way of working
Million investment for the future of autonomous vehicles
The Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen and the GPS Ventures GmbH invest two million euros in the Chemnitz University start-up NAVENTIK GmbH
Lighter Construction with Textile-Reinforced Structures
The “Lightweight Constructions in Civil Engineering” research area at the TU Chemnitz presents innovative application possibilities at the “light.building” exhibition on May 29-30, 2018
Outstanding Results in “Internationalization”
TU Chemnitz improves its position in “Profile Data on the Internationality of German Universities” by HRK and DAAD – especially strong network with Asia
Where Computers Consider Human Emotions
In order to make air travel even safer, air traffic controllers’ operating procedure and emotional strain are studied at TU Chemnitz “Virtual Humans” Competency Center
TU Students on the Home Stretch
Chemnitz University of Technology’s T.U.C. Racing Team introduces themselves
Annaberg-Buchholz and TU Chemnitz Intend to Establish Research Campus for Automated Train Operation
Partial success in "WIR! - Transformation through innovation in the region" funding program: application can be submitted to federal government for unique pilot program in the Ore Mountains
Knowledge transfer in the „Industrie 4.0 Test Area“
Enterprises can test new products and concepts in the Experimental and Digital Factory of Chemnitz University practically
Sensor-supported early diagnosis in dementia
Kick-off event for EU funded project “SENDA” takes place on December 13, 2017
More than just nice gestures
The gesture exhibition in the Chemnitz Museum of Industry has been opened, and convinced its first guests with an innovative blend of art and technology
More Efficient Production of Hybrid Components
The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE and Fraunhofer IWU are researching process combinations for manufacturing metal-plastics components for cost-efficient automotive applications
A digital Co-Therapist
Chemnitz University presents novel assistance system at the globally biggest fair for medical technology MEDICA in Düsseldorf from November 13 till 16, 2017
Flying: Efficiency thanks to Lightweight Air Nozzles
The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE at Chemnitz University of Technology and the Fraunhofer ENAS join forces in order to optimise actuator systems for active flow control in aeroplanes and cars
Innovation area with international radiance
The High Performance Center „Smart Production“ was launched in Chemnitz on September 8, 2017, and is coordinated by two Fraunhofer institutes and Chemnitz University of Technology
MERGE branch in Thailand
“Collaborative Centre” at King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok to research renewable resources for lightweight designs
“Chemnitz is not only the lightweight centre of Germany but also of Europe and beyond”
The Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE at Chemnitz University of Technology underlines its internationally renowned lightweight competence at top-class international conference
Internationalization successfully put into practice
Chemnitz University participates in the HRK-Re-Audit „Internationalisierung der Hochschulen“ – international consulting team sees development of university as very positive