More Than Just Buzzwords
After 10 Years, the Professorship of Materials and Surface Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology has achieved considerable success in research, teaching, and transfer – and an image video on the Professorship celebrated its premiere
The managing director of the Institute for Materials Science and Engineering (IWW), Professor Guntram Wagner (middle), presenting a certificate commemorating the anniversary to Materials and Surface Engineering Chair Professor Thomas Lampke. In addition to Chemnitz University President Gerd Strohmeier (left), the well-wishers included Professor Martin Wagner (2nd from left) and Professor Emeritus Bernhard Wielage (right). Photo: Materials and Surface Engineering -
Due to Professor Lampke’s dedication to social engagement, he was presented with a special Chemnitz University sweatshirt. The unique feature of this article is the coloured imprint #wirsindchemnitz, which stands as an emblem of the open-minded culture that Chemnitz University values. Photo: Materials and Surface Engineering -
Nearly 200 guests accepted the invitation from the Professorship of Materials and Surface Engineering, and were rewarded with interesting lectures and a relaxing evening together.
The Professorship of Materials and Surface Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology, under the direction of Professor Thomas Lampke, held the 1st Materials and Surface Engineering Colloquium (WOT-Kolloquium) on 9 November 2018, with the aim of strengthening cooperation between science and industry. The colloquium was titled “10 years of the Professorship for Materials and Surface Engineering in Research, Teaching, and Transfer”. Nearly 200 guests accepted the invitation, many of whom were research and development partners of the professorship, current and former employees of the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering (IWW), alumni, and student assistants. The colloquium should mark the beginning of a regular exchange of experiences between employees, alumni, business acquaintances, and cooperative partners.
A good reputation and third-party funding
Through their participation, the guests impressively demonstrated that “research, teaching, and transfer” are not only slogans, but are seen as an integral part of the professorship. This opinion was also expressed by the speakers. In the opening remarks, President Gerd Strohmeier remarked on the important role of the professorship, which is evident through its reputation in professional ranks and in business indicators, such as publications and third-party funding, among other things. In addition, the President underscored the contribution of the entire IWW, whose fundamental research is a significant contribution to Chemnitz Universitys leading position in the research area of Materials Engineering in the current DFG funding Funding Atlas.
Keynote speakers testify to 10 years of excellence in research, teaching, and transfer
In the second welcome address of the evening, the chairman of the German Society for Galvanic and Surface Technology, Rainer Venz, acknowledged the many years of trusted cooperation with Professor Lampke and his team of young scientists and engineers and the industry as a whole.
The lectures that followed pertained to cooperation with the Professorship for Materials and Surface Engineering in the realms of research, teaching, and transfer. Professor Thorsten Halle, former senior engineer of the professorship and current chair of the Institute for Materials and Joining Technology of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, presented recent findings on twin formation in krz-iron.
From the Saxonian business community, Dr. Maximilian Sieber, former head of the Department of Anodic Surface Technology at Materials and Surface Engineering, discussed research results on temporary protection from corrosion provided by EXCOR Corrosion Research GmbH.
In his interactive contribution to the teaching and learning concept of the professorship, Dr. Rico Drehmann, Chief Engineer for Teaching, brought the participants together through their use of so-called “clickers”. These are small, handheld transmitters that allow for the quick and anonymous answer of questions, for example, during lectures.
Dr. Falko Böttger-Hiller, Managing Director of Inca-fiber GmbH, presented his successful spin-off from the Materials and Surface Engineering Professorship. Inca-fiber GmbH and its high-tech fibers for intelligent mass-produced products have already won several national and international start-up company awards.
The many alumni especially enjoyed the visit from Professor Akindele Odeshi, who came from Canada for the event as a sign of his bond with his alma mater.
Relaxing finish
At the end of the successful celebration, all colloquium participants were invited to the Schönherrfabrik for an evening of networking. Among other things, Bernhard Wielage recounted the history of the IWW via interesting information and images that he has saved.
Nevertheless, a look into the future is of the utmost importance. This was underscored by the new image video of the Materials and Surface Engineering Professorship, which premiered at the Colloquium. The clip is available on the YouTube channel of Chemnitz University.
(Translation: Jeffrey Karnitz)
Matthias Fejes