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Film music and musical melodies in the lecture hall

Musical bridging between Bavaria and Saxony: Würzburg Project Orchestra gives a guest performance at the TU Chemnitz on June 8, 2023

If you love film music and musical melodies, you should make a note of June 8, 2023. On this day, the Würzburg Project Orchestra will come to the campus of the Chemnitz University of Technology. At 7:30 p.m., the concert of the Bavarian ensemble, which is mainly composed of pupils and students, will begin in room N115 of the Central Lecture Hall Building, Reichenhainer Straße 90. Admission begins at 7 p.m. Admission is free for the event organized by the Mechanical Engineering Student Council of the Chemnitz University of Technology.

The project orchestra has already performed six times at the Chemnitz University of Technology and has always been very well received. After a break of several years, the musical bridge-building between Bavaria and Saxony will be repeated again this year. This year, like the times before, it will not be revealed in advance which pieces will be played.

For information on this event and on the Würzburg Project Orchestra: https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/fsrmb/veranstaltungen.php; https://www.projektorchester.de/

Mario Steinebach

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