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How We Will Live with Machines Tomorrow

Discussing the interaction of people and machine: Collaborative Research Center Hybrid Societies at Chemnitz University of Technology and Chemnitz Museum of Industry will continue ForumZUKUNFT series of events on April 21, 2022, starting at 6 p.m. at the Chemnitz Museum of Industry - Participation is free of charge

Machines are booming not only in industry, but also in science, art and culture. For example, the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Hybrid Societies at Chemnitz University of Technology and the Chemnitz Museum of Industry participated in the now completed 4th Saxon State Exhibition MaschinenBOOM. One format within this exhibition series is the expert forum ForumZUKUNFT to discuss the coexistence of humans and machines. The CRC and the Museum of Industry revive this series and continue it from April 21, 2022 at the Chemnitz Museum of Industry. Admission is free of charge. The current hygiene conditions of the Chemnitz Museum of Industry apply.

Starting at 6 p.m., Prof. Dr. Georg Jahn, head of the Professorship for Geropsychology and Cognition and speaker of the Collaborative Research Center Hybrid Societies at Chemnitz University of Technology, will speak about the not so distant life in hybrid societies. It is about questions of everyday coexistence with autonomous vehicles, remote-controlled and autonomous robots, drones as well as intelligent prostheses. These are topics that the CRC Hybrid Societies is working on in an interdisciplinary manner with the participation of all faculties.

"In the course of our lecture series, we don't just want to inform people about research, we want to get into the conversation and also address expectations, concerns and reservations about autonomous technologies," says Ingmar Rothe, research associate in the CRC's public relations project. “The great thing about this format is that anyone can talk to scientists here who are working at the cutting edge of research,” says Rothe. "The themes are still highly topical, and even though the exhibition is history, we hope to use it to attract many interested people to the Museum of Industry," says Claudia Wasner-Wohlrab, head of public relations at the Museum.

Other lectures in the series:

  • May 19, 2022: How will we get around in the future? (Prof. Dr. Josef Krems, head of the Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology at Chemnitz University of Technology)
  • September 15: What do we expect from machines? (Prof. Dr. Frank Asbrock, head of the Professorship of Social Psychology at Chemnitz University of Technology)
  • October 20: How will we communicate with machines? (Prof. Dr. Ellen Fricke, Professor of German Linguistics and Multimodal Communication at Chemnitz University of Technology)
  • November 17: How will machines become a part of us? (Prof. Dr. Bertolt Meyer, head of the Professorship for Work, Organizational and Economic Psychology at Chemnitz University of Technology).

Background: ForumZUKUNFT

The ForumZUKUNFT emerged from the 4th Saxon State Exhibition MaschinenBOOM., which was on display in Chemnitz from 2020 to 2021 and attracted more than 27,500 visitors to the Museum of Industry. Due to the Covid19 pandemic and the associated recurring closures of the museum, the ForumZUKUNFT could not be held in person until now.

Background: Collaborative Research Center Hybrid Societies

Within the framework of the CRC Hybrid Societies at Chemnitz University of Technology, 30 professors from all eight faculties as well as senior researchers at Chemnitz University of Technology are fundamentally investigating how humans can coordinate smoothly and safely with, for example, autonomous vehicles and robots in public spaces. “Hybrid Societies: Interacting with Embodied Digital Technologies” is funded by the German Research Foundation as a Collaborative Research Center. Event information and news from the CRC's research are provided to all those interested quarterly in the Hybrid Societies Newsletter.

(Authors: Matthias Fejes and Ingmar Rothe / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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