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Scientific Panel On The War In Ukraine

Online panel on March 9, 2022, 4 p.m., with experts from Chemnitz University of Technology on the historical, social and political background of the war in Ukraine - with Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, a researcher who is well acquainted with the situation in Ukraine, as well as in Russia from personal experience, will discuss at the panel

Since February 24, 2022, the world has been a different place - on that day Russia began an invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law. It is a war that has already cost many human lives and triggered the largest movement of refugees within Europe since the Second World War.

What are the historical reasons behind this war, what influence does it have on international politics, and what social and societal tasks will it impose on Europe and the world?  

On March 9, 2022 at 4 p.m., four experts from Chemnitz University of Technology will talk about these and other topics as part of an online panel. The panel will be broadcast via the video conference platform Zoom and is open to all interested parties.

Discussing at the panel will be:

  • Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius, head of the Professorship of Human Geography with a focus on European Migration Research at Chemnitz University of Technology and expert in the field of flight and migration.
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Garsztecki, head of the Professorship of Cultural/ Area Studies of Central and Eastern Europe at Chemnitz University of Technology and expert on the region of Central and Eastern Europe
  • Prof. Dr. Kai Oppermann, head of the Professorship of International Relations at Chemnitz University of Technology and expert in international policy.
  • Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, head of the Professorship of Economical Mathematics at Chemnitz University of Technology

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, who is a researcher at Chemnitz University of Technology and who has an in-depth insight into the social conditions of both countries due to personal experience as well as due to his connections to Ukraine and Russia, will take part in the panel discussion.

The panel will be moderated by journalist Pascal Anselmi, who, among other things, is also host of Chemnitz University of Technology's science podcast "TUCscicast".

Information about the Zoom meeting:

(Author: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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