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Student Body Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Event Management

The event management team is responsible for timely scheduling of events, keeping track of tasks that need to be completed, and ensuring that they are executed on time.

Moritz Weiß

Bachelor Biomedizinische Technik


The finance team is responsible for planning and calculating the semester budget as well as budgets for individual events. They also handle the necessary bookkeeping and paperwork.

Georg Ehrler

Master Automatisierungssysteme
24 years old

Internal Affairs

The internal affairs department takes care of the office, regularly picks up mail, and ensures that all necessary supplies for office work and events are available or purchased.

Aaron Link

Master Energie- und Automatisierungssysteme
23 years old


The IT department not only maintains the FSR's website but also oversees the PCs and project storage in the AFS, which are essential for the other departments' work.

Johann Müller

Master Regenerative Energietechnik
24 years old

Willi Grande

Master Energie- und Automatisierungssysteme
26 years old

Tom Bittner

Bachelor Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
31 years old

Studies and Education

We care about your education - we address any study-related issues and facilitate the coordination of study commissions.

Johann Müller

Master Regenerative Energietechnik
24 years old

Tim Kukla

Bachelor Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Public Relations

The public relations team maintains our connections with companies, professors, the dean's office, and most importantly, the students of our faculty. Additionally, they manage the notice boards and promote our events.

Aaron Link

Master Energie- und Automatisierungssysteme
23 years old