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Student Body Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Event Management

Event management is responsible for the timely review of schedules, keeping track of tasks to be completed, and ensuring that they are carried out on time.


The finance team is responsible for planning and calculating the semester budget as well as the individual events. They also handle the necessary bookkeeping and paperwork.


The Internal department takes care of the office, regularly collects the mail, and ensures that all necessary supplies for office work and events are in stock or purchased.


The IT department not only maintains the FSR website but also the PCs and project storage in the AFS, which the other departments need for their work.

Teaching and Studies

Your education is important to us - we address your study problems and facilitate the networking of study commissions.

Public Relations

The Public Relations department maintains our contact with companies, professors, the dean's office, and most importantly: the students of our faculty. It also ensures the currency of bulletin boards and promotes our events.