Objectives of Strategic Internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology
Internationalization counts among the strategic tasks of Chemnitz University of Technology because
Based on these values of international partnership, the following key objectives and measures of strategic internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology are determined:
- by intensifying the endeavors to promote studying at Chemnitz University of Technology within global regions of growth and innovation, within regions undergoing a process of re-industrialization (e.g. USA) as well as within neighboring regions in Europe
- by further establishing and enhancing attractive, internationally-oriented and trans-disciplinary offers for studies
- by optimizing and effectively complementing target-group-oriented support measures for international students
- by further putting emphasis on the commitment to the promotion of young scientists
- by further enhancing the linguistic, intercultural and individual skills of students and scientists of Chemnitz University of Technology due to stays abroad for purposes of studies, internship, teaching and research.
- by promoting cutting-edge research within the three core competence areas
- “Smart Systems and Materials“,
- “Energy-efficient Production Processes“ as well as
- “Human Factors in Technology“
- by raising the acquisition of third-party-funding deriving from national, European and non-European funding programs
- by deepening and strengthening the network with extramural research institutions and industrial partners.
- by further working on the creation of a welcome culture at Chemnitz University of Technology in order to attract the best minds from all over the world.
- by further raising the share of international (young) scientists in teaching and research
- by deepening and effectively extending the international network
- by amplifying the international outreach measures
- by constantly further developing and sharpening the international profile of Chemnitz University of Technology jointly with internal and external stakeholders.
In order to implement the strategic internationalization of Chemnitz University of Technology, the University Management supported by the International Office closely cooperates with the faculties as well as other partners.
The University Management promotes and supports internationalization by
- the formulation and communication of strategic principles and guidelines as well as
- the support of specific measures.
The faculties are the predominant key drivers of the internationalization strategy and contribute to its implementation especially by
- the development of offers for studies
- the academic assistance and integration of international students
- the initiation of research cooperation
- the implementation of international research projects
- the exchange of scientists on a high level
- international publications and events/ conferences.
The International Office acts as service provider for the university and contributes especially by the
- enhancement of mobility of students through advice and assistance
- support of the exchange of scientists
- advice and assistance concerning the acquisition of third-party funding for international projects
- maintenance of the relations to partner universities abroad as well as to funding institutions
- support of the international marketing