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Department of Advanced Powertrains
Department of Advanced Powertrains 

Senén Moya Sáez M. Sc.

Academic & Research Staff

Contact information:

+49 (0) 371 531-30468


Batteries, Fuel Cells, Simulation and Models

Visiting time

by appointment

Research Projects

Zero Emission Adriatic Ship - ZEAS

Publications & Patents

Moya Sáez, S.; Rathke, P.; Liu, M.; von Unwerth, T.: Simulation of the thermal behaviour of high-pressure hydrogen tanks. Paper im Konferenzband 3. Fuel Cell Conference Chemnitz (FC³) 2024, 2024. 978-3-95735-189-0.. [Compressed hydrogen storage, tank fast filling, 0D-model, CFD validation, hydrogen safety, MATLAB/Simulink, six-temperature-model, convective heat transfer]