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Political Systems
Political Systems 

Prof. Dr. Eric Linhart

1997-2002 Studies in Political Science and Mathematics (University of Mannheim)
1997-2002 Student Assistant (Mannheim Centre for European Social Research)
2002-2007 Research Assistant (Mannheim Centre for European Social Research and Faculty of Social Science)
2006 Doctor in Political Science (University of Mannheim), supervisors: Prof. Dr. Franz U. Pappi, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang C. Müller
2007-2014 Junior Professor for Applied Political Economy (University of Kiel)

Visiting Professor for Comparative Politics (University of Kiel)

2012-2013 Fellow at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg/Institute for Advanced Study in Delmenhorst


Visiting Professor for German Politics (University of Göttingen)


Habilitation in Political Science (University of Kiel)


Post-Doc Researcher (University of Heidelberg)

since 2015

Professor for Political Systems (Chemnitz University of Technology)

since 2020

Editor-in-Chief of the Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly

since 2022 Dean of the Faculty of Humanities


  • Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
  • German Political Science Association (Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft DVPW)
  • DVPW Standing Group ‘Methods in Political Science’
  • DVPW Research Network ‘Decision Theory, Game Theory and Public Choice’ (Speaker between 2010 and 2016)
  • International Political Science Association (IPSA)
  • Public Choice Society
  • ECPR Standing Group ‘Political Parties’
  • CES Territorial Politics and Federalism Research Network

Data and codes

Data, codebooks, codes and further material with respect to selected publications can be found at Research (Data).

Research Interests

  • The German political system
  • Electoral systems and voting behavior
  • Parties, party families and party systems
  • Coalition theory
  • Lobbying
  • Decision theory and game theory

More information can be found at Research (Main research areas).


Selected publications of Prof. Dr. Linhart:

Eichhorn, Kristin and Eric Linhart (2021): Estimating the effect of competitiveness on turnout across regime types, Political Studies 69(3): 602-622.

Graichen, Robin, Eric Linhart, Christopher Schuster, Udo Heller and Andreas Müller (2021): Coalizer: A coalition tool combining office and policy motivations of political parties, Journal of Information Technology & Politics 18(3): 274-292.

Linhart, Eric, Johannes Raabe and Patrick Statsch (2019): Mixed-member proportional electoral systems – the best of both worlds? Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 29(1): 21-40.

Jankowski, Michael, Eric Linhart and Markus Tepe (2019): Welches Wahlsystem wollen die Wähler? Evidenz von einem Conjoint-Experiment, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 60(2): 221-243.

Raabe, Johannes and Eric Linhart (2018): Which electoral systems succeed at providing proportionality and concentration? Promising designs and risky tools, European Political Science Review 10(2): 167-190.

Raabe, Johannes and Eric Linhart (2015): Does substance matter? A model of qualitative portfolio allocation and application to German state governments between 1990 and 2010, Party Politics 21(3): 481-492.

Raabe, Johannes and Eric Linhart (2014): Disentangling the value of a ministry: Party leaders’ evaluations of German state ministries, West European Politics 37(5): 1065-1086.

Shikano, Susumu and Eric Linhart (2010): Coalition-formation as a result of policy and office motivations in the German federal states: An empirical estimate of the weighting parameters of both motivations, Party Politics 16(1): 111-130.

Linhart, Eric and Susumu Shikano (2009): A basic tool set for a generalized directional model, Public Choice 140(1-2): 85-104.

A complete list of publications can be found here.