TEFL-ePAL Training Visit Chemnitz (January 2020)

The purpose of this visit is to train our Plaestinian partners in revising and creating text books and teaching materials to be used in the English 101 and English 102, as well as in Beginner classes and Advanced English classes at Palestinian HEIs. The training will build on the experience of using and designing textbooks for teaching English in Germany and will consider the following directives:
- affirm Palestinian identity in a global context
- nurture leadershio qualitites
- co-opt student input
- develop critical thinking skills
- facilitate creativity
- engage learners
- reflect students' diverese interests and elarning proclivities
- conductive to long-term emplyabiltiy
The materials that will be developed shall be:
- based on authentic materials
- 'technology' driven
The objective of the visit is to empower the Palestinian course creators to appraise teaching resources and develop materials for use in four English language courses as listed in the table below.
CEFR level | Course | Task |
A1 | Beginners (Community based learning) | Devise |
A2 | English 101 | Revise |
B1 | English 102 | Revise |
B2 | Advanced English | Devise |
The week-long workshop will take into account structural and lexical dimensions of English; contemporary real-life usage; global variation of English; standards for Palestine and the descriptors in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Fifteen lecturers, instructors and teachers of English from the four Palestinian TEFL-ePal universities
In order to facilitate planning, a list of all participants must be submitted to the Project Manager, Mr Sven Albrecht, by 30 November 2019.
The participants should indicate, upon registration, which of the four curricular texts they will be working on, i.e. A1, A2, B1 or B2 in the CEF
Learning Methods
The workshop is structured in such a way that participants are expected to:
- Read the preparatory materials before arriving in Chemnitz
- Explore the themes further through active participation in the daily seminars
- Create sample materials for each of the curricular themes
Learning Outcomes
By the close of the workshop, diligent participants will have gained the knowledge and skills to:
- Stipulate the main themes to be included in the TEFL-ePal curricula
- Give an account of the key linguistic features of contemporary global ‘Englishes’
- Identify the aspects of the CEFR to be adopted in the TEFL-ePal curricula
- Articulate the properties of instructional materials conducive to English language learning
- Produce a sample instructional unit that covers the key language skills
Each workshop theme is complemented by a scholarly text that all participants must read in advance of the Chemnitz workshop. These preparatory readings will be shared in the folder located see the link here. Each participant should bring their own laptop and headphones.
There is no formal assessment; however, throughout the workshop an assortment of self- and peer assessments will be conducted. All participants will be issued with a certificate of participation at the end of the workshop.
Preliminary Schedule
The full schedule can be downloaded please click here.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.