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English Department


The Dean visited SYSU in Nov. 2016 in a small delegation


The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Stefan Garsztecki, and Prof. Josef Schmied, who is responsible for the partnership, visited SYSU Nov. 2016, 22-27.

They arrived in Zhuhai directly from Hong Kong Airport and discussed the cooperation with their colleagues in the School of International Studies. Prof. Schmied gave a lecture for MA students, and both partners confirmed their willingness to expand the cooperation:

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The small delegation visited the vibrant city of Guangzhou and enjoyed life on the extended and leafy South Campus, where the School of Foreign Languages occupies an impressive building. They took the opportunity to attend a symposium on Systemic Functional Grammar organized by Prof. Chang, and an Asia Pacific Writers and Translators Conference organized by Prof. Dai, who had both visited Chemnitz in 2014:

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They greatly enjoyed the hospitality of their partners, not only professors, but also former exchange students, who had started their jobs in international companies, as teachers in colleges, or as PhD students:

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Prof. Garsztecki, a specialist for Eastern Europe, continued his comparisons with East Asia, which he had done with Japan and Korea before. He was greatly impressed by our Chinese partner university: thousands of new yellow bikes on the campuses, the lively atmosphere everywhere, the impressive new town centre, the overwhelming hospitality and keen interest in collaborating to establish SYSU centres for Academic Writing and Eastern European Studies - even getting lost in the labyrinth of 20,000 retail shops in the textile city just outside the South Gate - an unforgettable experience.

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The small delegation hopes to be able to expand the existing cooperation in the faculty, some colleagues in education/pedagogy and political science have already expressed their interests, so that the planned Summer School in August 2017 may not be the only result of this visit. Please contact the coordinator, Prof. Schmied.

Press release 14.12.16