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Institute for Machine Tools and Production Processes

Contact information

Postal Address

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Produktionsprozesse
09107 Chemnitz

Fon: +49 (0)371 531-23500
Fax: +49 (0)371 531-23509

Visitors Address

eniPROD building (House M)
Office, 2nd floor, Room M207 (new: C16.207)
Reichenhainer Straße 70
09126 Chemnitz

Your way to us

  1. A 72, exit Chemnitz-Süd, B 173 towards Chemnitz, after about 1.5 km turn right onto the Südring (B 169)
  2. Departure from the Technical University towards the center
  3. Drive past the campus of the Technical University and turn left into Rosenbergstrasse when you can turn again
  4. After a left curve, continue straight ahead to building M
  5. Destination address for navigation devices: Reichenhainer Str. 88, 09126 Chemnitz (address of the neighboring building Fraunhofer IWU)
  • Chemnitz main station:
    Tram C13, C14, C15 or 3 in the direction of Technopark to the TU Campus stop, from there a 3-minute walk to the eniPROD building
  • Dresden Airport:
    Rental car (approx. 90 km): A 4, at the Chemnitz junction turn onto A 72 towards Hof, exit Chemnitz-Süd; continue: see car
  • Leipzig / Halle Airport:
    Rental car (approx. 95 km): B 95 towards Chemnitz, after signposting in Niederfrohna, take the A72, exit Chemnitz-Süd; continue: see car