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Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering
Chemical and galvanic surface technology
Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering 

Department of Chemical and Galvanic Surface Technology

Welcome to the Chemical and Galvanic Surface Engineering Department.

Our department primarily researches surface treatments and coatings using wet chemical processes. These include chemical and electrochemical metal deposition, anodic, plasma chemical and chemical conversion coatings.

The department includes the working groups Cathodic Processes and Anodic Surface Technology and comprises 7 scientific and 5 technical staff (as of 12/17).

Below you will find a selection of our most important research topics.

We will be happy to advise or support you with our expertise in solving your tasks.
Just get in touch with us!

Galvanik Forschungsthema 1

Influence of organic additives on the discharge behaviour during plasma anodic oxidation of a magnesium alloy

Galvanik Forschungsthema 2

The microstructure (grain size, residual stresses, texture) of electrochemical nickel coatings can be variably adjusted by additives (brighteners, hardening additives, relaxers) (picture above: lamellar structure; picture below: columnar structure). In this way, the mechanical properties can be specifically adjusted (picture on the right).

Galvanik Forschungsthema 3

Adsorption of a brightener on a nickel surface. The change in the double layer capacity at higher concentrations is clearly visible. This method can be used to effectively determine the working range and the mode of action of brighteners.

Hardness catalogue

Galvanik Forschungsthema 4 Härtekatalog

In the IGF project (AiF no.: 16736BR/1), the microstructure and property development of chemically deposited and heat-treated NiP coatings based on lead- and cadmium-free electrolyte systems was investigated. Based on representative, industrially applied electrolytes, low-, mid- and high-phos coatings were investigated.

Interactive wear catalogue

Galvanik Forschungsthema 4 Interaktiver Verschleißkatalog

In the IGF project (AiF no.: 20747 BR/1), various wear tests were carried out with industrially produced low-, mid- and high-phos coatings. An interactive wear catalogue was created from the respective test-dependent characteristic values. Since real wear stresses are made up of proportions of different types of wear, the user of the wear model can weight the types of wear that are individually relevant for his application on a percentage basis and receives the optimised heat treatment parameters and the phosphorus content.

You will find our technical equipment sorted by laboratory areas under the corresponding tab on this page.

We offer the following services as standard.

Contact us if you would like us to support you in special tasks!

  • Corrosion investigations
  • Fatigue testing in the LCF and HCF range under tensile, compressive and bending loads
  • Coating
    • electroplated layers
    • chemical layers
    • Electrolytically oxidised layers
Mechanical alloying (powder phase) Melting metallurgical processes
  • Powder atomisation system
  • AMC casting device
  • Electric arc furnace (use via Professorship PVW)
Sintering process
  • Spark plasma sintering system (SPS) (use via Professorship PVW)
Heat treatment furnaces
  • Various muffle and protective gas furnaces as well as quenching baths
Additive manufacturing of polymer/polymer composite components using the FDM process
Simulation software
  • MatLab
  • Mathcad
  • Deform
  • Fluent
  • JMatPro
  • MemBrain


Thomas Mehner
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys.
Thomas Mehner
Department: Chemical and galvanic surface technology
Function: Head of Department
Phone: +49 (0)371 531 – 38415
Room: E06.121 (old: 3/E121)