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Professorship of Conveying Engineering and Material Flow Technology
Services and support

Services and support

Creation of analyses
  • Modeling and dimensioning of dynamic systems,
  • Feasibility studies for the substitution of metals,
  • Plastics and technical fiber composites,
  • Manufacturing processes and properties of textile machine elements,
  • Traction of synthetic fiber ropes,
  • Calculation and dimensioning bases for inclined conveyors,
  • System analysis and monitoring of chain conveyors,
  • Life cycle assessment and recycling of plastic components and inclined conveyor systems
Tests and application-oriented tests
  • Calculation and testing of machine elements made of wood,
  • Mechanical and tribological testing of plastic chains,
  • Friction and wear tests on plastic sliding pairs,
  • Strength values,
  • Visco-elastic deformation behavior,
  • Bending, creeping, winding, abrasion behavior
Experimental and product development
  • Contract research and construction of machine elements made of wood,
  • Coating of fiber ropes including parameter analysis,
  • Production of ribbon fabrics & braids,
  • Conveyance tests of bulk and piece goods on vibratory conveyors

Further training in the field of textile machine elements
  • Braiding and ribbon weaving technologies
  • Fiber ropes made of high-performance fibers
  • Dimensioning of synthetic fiber ropes
  • Coating of textile structures
  • Testing of textile machine elements
  • Analysis of damage patterns and derivation of design changes

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