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Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering 

Welcome to Mechanical Engineering

The department of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology is a recognized and internationally renowned production engineering teaching and research institution. It features
  • attractive degree programs,
  • superior study conditions
  • innovative, market oriented research achievements
that are immediately transferred to the students and applied to the advantage of our modern society.

Motivated and committed professors are working intensively to foster scientific education of fresh young talents. Thus Mechanical Engineering at TU Chemnitz is a prime supplier of flexible, outstanding educated and highly motivated young graduates that are in high demand throughout the high tech industries all over the world. Graduates from Chemnitz work in high profile position in far places such as the United States and South East Asia, but also in key industries in Germany and central Europe.

Undergraduate and graduate students will find the department of Mechanical Engineering an excellent platform for private and scientific development.

I want to warmly welcome you to participate in our work and share our goals.

Andeas Schubert
Prof. Dr.
Dean, Mechanical Engineering


more news from our department

Next events related to Mechanical Engineering

  • Wednesday, 03.04.2025 24th Materials Engineering Colloquium (Congress/Conference)

  • Monday, 17.04.2025 Schulprojekttag an der Fakultät für Maschinenbau (for pupils)

    • Fakultät für Maschinenbau
    • Time: to 17.04. Language: Deutsch
    • Info: Dr. Björn John, +49 371 531-36778,
    • Ihr habt euch schon immer gefragt, was sich hinter dem Begriff "Maschinenbau" verbirgt? Wir zeigen es euch! An einem Tag könnt Ihr verschiedenste Bereiche kennenlernen und auch selbst tätig werden: ganz nach eurem Interesse.
    • iCal file
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