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Faculty of Computer Science
Degree Programs
Faculty of Computer Science 

Degree Programs

Computer Science for Graduates in the Humanities or Social Science
(Master of Science)


Requirements: Bachelor degree, such as in one of the following degree programs: Journalism, Media communication, Media management, German language and literature studies, Cultural studies; German Language Examination for University Entrance (DSH) or equivalent for applicants from abroad.
No admission restrictions!
Standard period of study : 4 terms (resp. 8 terms in part-time-studies)
Course Language: German
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Starting of the course: usually winter term
Deadlines: All deadlines for applications are defined by Technische Universität Chemnitz.


Degree Programm flyer | .pdf

Program information | .pdf | barrier-free

Further information

Study and examination regulation

Course Planner

Information regarding application for admission to studies

The application is made online.


This degree program complements the educational profile of the Department of Informatics by one further important interdisciplinary component. The orientation of this master degree program is unique in Germany and is particularly dedicated to needs of humanists and social scientists. Students of this degree program learn basic methods of informatics as well as aspects of IT technologies and media informatics which enable them to work self-sufficiently with complex informatics products.

Study Content

This degree program belongs to the non-consecutive types of master degree programs. It has been designed for holders of a humanities degree who are interested in a continuative degree program. Accordingly, the structure of the degree program does not revert to skills of bachelor holders of Informatics degrees but offers additional basic degree program units which can directly be combined with continuative degree programs, i.e. this master degree program offers a combination of basic und advanced lectures.

The degree program comprises three pillars:

  • Methods of Informatics
  • Information Technology
  • Media Informatics



Within this degree program students are provided with all necessary skills for their later professional life in an IT-based journalistic environment. Here, the term "IT-based" has deliberately been chosen for ambiguity. On the one hand, the profession of a journalist increasingly relies on information technologies in order to ensure real-time publication of news from all over the world. On the other hand, we particularly aim at students who, in the future, will work as journalists in the IT sector.


Benedikt Etzold, M.Sc.:
«In der IT-Branche entsteht ein erfolgreiches Produkt in der Regel durch die
Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Disziplinen: InformatikerInnen stehen in engem Kontakt zu anderen Abteilungen wie Management, Vertrieb oder Content. Doch im beruflichen Alltag gestaltet sich die Kommunikation gerade wegen fehlender Einblicke oft problematisch. Der Studiengang setzt an dieser Schnittstelle an; er vermittelt die Kerninhalte der Informatik und bietet die Möglichkeit, dem eigenen Profil zielgerichtet weitere Schwerpunkte hinzuzufügen.»


Academic advisor
Portrait: Dr. Frank Seifert
Dr. Frank Seifert

Consultation-hour: upon prior appointment!

Examination board

Student Service - Central Course Guidance Service