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Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology
Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology


Light-based communication between automated vehicles and other road users

Project partners


Ford GmbH


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BMVI (German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure), funding code: 16AVF2016A  




There are many challenges linked to the development of automated vehicles. One of these challenges is concerned with communication between automated vehicles and other road users. Therefore, the key targets of the research project InMotion are the development and the implementation of light-based communication concepts between automated vehicles and vulnerable road users (e.g., pedestrians or cyclists). Within the project, the Professorship of Cognitive and Engineering Psychology has several tasks. One important task is the collection and classification of situations in which cooperation between automated vehicles and others is needed. These descriptions are used to select specific situations to conduct them in several user studies. Another important task of the professorship is the development of HMI concepts for the communication of the stated road users. In the end, the results are used to derive requirements and recommendations for the implementation of light-based communication concepts within a demonstrator.

contact Dr. Matthias Beggiato (Verbundkoordination)
staff Dr. Isabel Kreißig, M. Sc. Ann-Christin Hensch

Publications, talks, poster

Hensch, A.-C., Kreißig, I., Beggiato, M., & Krems, J. (2022). The Effect of eHMI Malfunctions on Younger and Elderly Pedestrians’ Trust and Acceptance of Automated Vehicle Communication Signals. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 272. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.866475.

Hensch, A.-C., Kreißig, I., Beggiato, M., & Krems, J. (2022). The Effects of eHMI Failures on Elderly Participants’ Assessment of Automated Vehicle Communication Signals. In Ahram T. & Taiar R. (Eds.), Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V. IHIET 2021. LNNS 319. pp. 355-363. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-85540-6_45.

Kreißig, I., Hensch, A.-C., Beggiato, M., Krems, J., Wolter, S., Pahlke, D., … (2021). Abschlussbericht InMotion - Entwicklung von lichtbasierten Kommunikationskonzepten zwischen automatisierten Fahrzeugen und anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern. doi: 10.2314/KXP:1750576813.

Hensch, A.-C., Neumann, I., Beggiato, M., Halama, J., & Krems J. F. (2020). How Should Automated Vehicles Communicate? - Effects of a Light-Based Communication Approach in a Wizard-of-Oz Study. In: N. Stanton (Ed.). Advances in Human Factors of Transportation. AHFE 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 964, pp. 79-91. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20503-4_8

Beggiato, M. (2019). Should I stay or should I go? Light-based communication results of the project InMotion. 13th ITS European Congress, 05.06.2019, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Beggiato, M., & Krems, J. (2019). InMotion - light based communication for Automated Vehicles. Symposium on Human Factors research, Ben-Gurion University of Bersheva (Israel), 23.03.2019.

Hensch, AC., Neumann, I., Beggiato, M., Halama, J., & Krems, J.F. (2019, October). Steady, flashing, sweeping – An exploratory evaluation of light signals as an eHMI in automated driving. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Europe Chapter, Nantes, France. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.33925.29922

Hensch, A., Neumann, I., & Beggiato, M. (2019). Results of the project InMotion, Webinar with the EU-project interACT, 09.11.2019.

Neumann, I., Hensch, A., Beggiato, M., Halama, J., Krems, J.F. (2019). Einleuchtend?! Evaluation lichtbasierter Kommunikation zwischen automatisierten Fahrzeugen und anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern. In M. Vollrath & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (Hrsg.), "Mehr Mensch im Verkehr?": Abstracts 3. Kongress Fachgruppe Verkehrspsychologie, Saarbrücken, 05.-07.3.2019 (p. 25). Universitätsbibliothek Braunschweig.

Neumann, I. (2019). Project presentation InMotion, BMVI Symposium (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure), 10.09.2019, Berlin.

Neumann, I. (2019). Results of the project InMotion, DIN working group session "Human Machine Interface", 07.05.2019, Munich.

Neumann, I. (2019). Results of the project InMotion, Webinar with the Project @CITY, 22.05.2019.

Beggiato, M. (2018). Lässt er mich queren? Die Automatisierung der Fußgänger-Fahrzeug Interaktion. Braunschweiger Verkehrskolloquium, 03.05.2018, Braunschweig, Germany.

Hensch, AC., Halama, J., Ackermann, C., Beggiato, M., Neumann, I., & Krems, J. (2018). Kommunikation zwischen Fußgängern und Fahrzeugen. Querungsintentionen und Interaktionsverhalten im Niedriggeschwindigkeitsbereich. In VDI (Eds.). Fahrerassistenzsysteme und automatisiertes Fahren 2018, VDI-Berichte 2335 (p. 323-336). Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag GmbH. ISBN 978-3-18-092335-2.