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Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology
Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology


Illumination of the dark figure of safety-critical events between cyclists, cyclists and cars, pedestrians and public transport: A representative stationary observation study at urban traffic junctions with interviews in Germany


  • ADFC Chemnitz e.V.
  • IAOV Chemnitz GmbH
  • LMU Munich (Teaching and Research Unit Human-Environment Relations)
  • City of Chemnitz (Traffic Planning Department)
  • TU Berlin (Department of Integrated Transport Planning)


BMVI support programme "National Cycling Plan 2020",
Funding code: VB1913


08/2019 - 06/2022


The aim of DRadEsel is to make a statement as representative as possible about the frequency of safety-critical events between cyclists themselves, cyclists and car drivers, pedestrians and public transport. For this purpose, a survey instrument consisting of an observation guide and a semi-standardised interview will be developed, which will be evaluated and consequently further developed in a feasibility study in autumn 2019. With the help of the survey instrument, new findings on factors influencing the number of unreported cases and the perception of safety among cyclists are to be gained. The final survey instrument will be used within the framework of a representative observation study in 2020, which will be carried out in three German cities, that differ in their bicycle-friendliness. Finally, the collected data will be examined with regard to the prevalence of safety-critical events of cyclists and the influence of personnel, infrastructural and temporal factors will be determined by means of statistical analyses. Correlations between the information provided by cyclists on their perception of safety in general and during a safety-critical situation are also considered. In addition to the scientific use at specialist meetings and conferences, recommendations for action and design (for construction measures or infrastructural changes as well as for vehicle or wheel-side hardware and software solutions) for the municipalities are ultimately derived and disseminated from the results. In this way, the DRadEsel project contributes across the board to the objectives of NRVP2020 to increase road safety and make cycling more attractive. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) with funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan.

Further information about DRadEsel: Link (German only)

Contact M.Sc. Psych. Maria Kreußlein
Staff M.Sc. Sensorik und kogn. Psych. Sabine Springer

Publications, talks, poster

Springer, S., Kreußlein, M., Krems, J. F. (2021). Shedding Light on the Dark-Field of Cyclists’ Safety Critical Events: A Feasibility Study in Germany. Proceedings of 9th International Cycling Safety Conference ICSC 2021. Lund, Sweden. Link.