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Professorship Materials and Reliablility of Microsystems
Reliability of Micro and Nano Systems

Reliability of Micro and Nano Systems

Responsibility:  Bernhard Wunderle, Prof. Dr.

This course is related to the course Zuverlässigkeit von Mikro- und Nanosystemen in German language. However, both courses differ to a certain extent in termins of teaching content and workload.

For both courses there is a common OPAL-course:  Reliability of Micro and Nano Systems / Zuverlässigkeit von Mikro- und Nanosystemen There you will find enrolments, documents and further information.

Offical course dates for this semester [de]

Nummer Name Zeit Raum Details
[Vorlesung] []
Further info at OPAL-Course.
Dienstag (Wöchentlich)
(neu: C10.U03)
[Übung] []
Further info at OPAL-Course.
Mittwoch (14-täglich, gerade KW)
(neu: C25.020)
[Vorlesung] []
Mittwoch (14-täglich, ungerade KW)
(neu: C25.020)

General Information

  • Language: English
  • Participants:
    • mandatory: M_MN (module 1.6)
    • optional required: M_MP
  • Types of teaching (LVS = contact hours)
    • Lecture: 3 LVS in WS; 1 LVS in SS
    • Problem class: 1 LVS in WS; 1 LVS in SS
  • Examiniation: Written exam (90 min)
  • Credit points: 6
  • Workload: 180 hours


  • Knowledge and application of the fundamentals of reliability assessment of components and systems.
  • Knowledge and apllication of the current status of calculation methods and experiments.


  • Fundamentals of reliability evaluation
  • Reliability of micro and nano systems
  • Fracture mechanics and crack groth concepts
  • Calculation methods and reliability evaluation of MEMS
  • Experimental reliability evaluation
  • Applications