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Professorship Circuit and System Design
Job Offers
Professorship Circuit and System Design 

Job Offers

The chair is continuously on the look out for applicants for jobs or assistant work, preferably in the area of design, simulation, modeling of microelectronic circuit and systems to the point of micro system engineering. The range of work tasks go from software to hardware. Not only academic research articles but also projects with practical relevance will be treated.

If you are interested send us a message or speak to us, even if we have any job offer published. During an interview we can adapt your professional interest and our demands. This also applies for a PhD position.

Contact: Phone 0049371 / 531 24310 (Secretariat) or via Email:

Student/Research Assistant

Current offers for student research assistants

If you are interested, please send an email to and attach meaningful documents (CV, transcript of records).

Contribution to a cross-platform mobile Climbing Training App, based on the Google Flutter framework


  • GUI design and verification
  • Training assistant algorithms for interactive climbing walls
  • dynamic interactive 2D/3D views
  • Gamification
  • Bluetooth(r) connectivity and peripheral sensors like smart watches
  • Clean code structure
  • Data structures and Algorithms


  • Knowledge of machine learning algorithms
  • Survey of existing acceleration approaches of the given ML algorithms
  • Partitioning HW/SW: Understanding bottlenecks and expensive operations in the given algorithm; usage of appropriate optimization techniques (SW and HW)
  • Creation of one or more HW designs (IPs) using high level synthesis for acceleration of previously determined operation steps of the ML algorithm
  • Implementation on FPGA evaluation board

Areas of work

Typical areas of work at SSE are:

  • Development for IC test systems (ATE)
    Prior knowledge: Object-oriented programming, knowledge about test hardware
  • Development of a specification tool
    Prior knowledge: Object-oriented programming, design methods
  • Digital design for algorithm acceleration
    Prior knowledge: Hardware description languages (HDLs), digital circuits
  • Algorithmenentwicklung und -umsetzung zur Funklokalisierung
    Prior knowledge: High-level programming language, algorithms for localization
  • Auswertung von Sensorsignalen
    Prior knowledge: Circuit technology, programming language

Further information

Opportunities as assistant

Participation as assistant at the chair Circuit and System Design allows students to contribute their skills acquired during the course in real projects and to expand. Similar to the economy the academic staff of the chair works at many interesting research projects that will not only give new impulse to the science, but also may lead to new products and services. For this purpose there is close cooperation with partners both from the local small business as well as nationwide and international industrial companies.

The big challenge in working as an assistant is that in contrast to the courses and practicals in regular studies, the task is provided individually and the answers find themselves not one-to-one in a textbook or the lecture notes of a fellow student. The student learns to find solutions independently even if the sources for it are rather rar. This is a good preparation for later theses that the student has to take care of their own. In addition, the threshold is lowered when moving into the working environment whether it is of an academically or economically nature.

The tasks are based to the interests of students and the activities to be completed in the current projects. Since these are many and varied, mostly something suitable can be found.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the tasks of assistants?

The tasks come from a wide range, e.g.

  • inquiry
  • design, implementiation and test of hardware and software
  • Teachings
  • public relations

and arising from current needs of ongoing research projects or long-term goals based on the research areas of the chair.

What requirements must the student possess?

Since the tasks are varied, this also applies to the required knowledge. Because the chair is interested in sustainably promoting students, the students will be given sufficient time to become acquainted in the respective subject while working as an assistant. The acquired skills they can then use for future projects. On the other hand, it is advantageous if the student shows good academic achievements and a personal interest in the particular subject. Since experience has shown that many tasks occur in areas of programming and circuit design, basic knowledge on least one of two areas are very helpful.

How many hours do assistants work per month?

That depends on the capabilities of the student and of the delivery time of the tasks to be completed. Contracts with 20 to 40 hours per month are usually, but also 80 are possible in individual cases.

When and where can I work these hours?

The work will take place in the premises of the chair. The student can schedule his time freely. To the coordination of further action, a personal meeting with the supervisor is provided once a week. However, the supervisor also understand if the student moves a large portion of his hours due to lectures or exams into the semester break and work later or in advance.

Can I use the experience from working as an assistant for the study?

Only few topics match completely the topics of teaching, since activities as an assistant have especially practical character. But depending on the experience with suitable tools some internships or exercises can be solved more elegant or achieve more pleasing results. Above all work as an assistant promotes improving the soft skills such as teamwork, iself-employed processing tasks and schedules on time to present the work to the set target time.

Is working as an assistant a good preparation for a bachelor or master thesis?

Through contact with the supervisors suitable topics can be found at an early stage.

How do I apply as an assistant?

An informal e-mail is sufficient. With special interest in a particular project, this can be done directly on an employee involved in the project. For general interest, Professor Herrmann is the most appropriate contact to explore the interests of students and assign the suitable project. A personal interview will be held and if the supervisor is convinced of the capabilities of the student, just a few bureaucratic hurdles are to take.

What is the payment and other information?

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