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Professorship Circuit and System Design
Professorship Circuit and System Design 

Professorship Circuit and System Design


Teaching and research work on the Chair are focused on design and application of circuit and systems. Especially in terms of computer assistance for design and application of ASICs.

Qualitative and quantitative possibilities of microtechnologies like microelectronics and microsystems technology are steadily increasing. It refers to technological and applicative aspects and shows a general trend which is, with respect to applications of information technology, on the rising.

Information technology no longer only stands for a range of products. Nowadays it is important in all areas of life. It is a prerequisite for efficient economic management and being international competitive. Information technology also causes deep cultural changes in society. Information is becoming the most important agent of productivities. Previously separated economic sectors are growing together and new markets and usages are arising. This can be seen in an above-average increase of economic sectors which are related to information technology.

New responsibilities are growing through these economic sectors. Constant higher demands will be set on algorithms, tools, hardware and software. The realization of system concepts, which are always gaining in complexity, the most efficient instruments and assemblies are to be obtained in always shorter periods and therefore need new methods during the design process.

Reichenhainer Straße 70, Weinholdbau

Head of Chair

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Heinkel

Place of Chair

Reichenhainer Str. 70
Weinholdbau, 4th floor
Rooms 427 - 438, 451 - 465
09126 Chemnitz

Postal Adress

Technische Universität Chemnitz
Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Institute of Information Technology
Professorship Circuit and System Design


Tel: +49 (0)371 531-24310