Complex Materials
The research topic Complex Materials concentrates on physical and chemical aspects of interfaces as well as bulk materials which are crucial for the development of new materials Materials with restricted dimensions or restricted structural order are in the centers of this research. Included are aspects of the synthesis and characterization of microsystems and disordered systems up to the technical realisation of devices, machines, and reactors.
The topic under consideration combines research on fundamental principles of relevance for materials with applied-oriented research. Accordingly, strong cooperations with engineering disciplines as materials science and microtechnology are necessary requirements to ensure these claims. Partnerships to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, to the Center for Microtechnologies, and the Center of Microfabrication of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft offer best preconditions.
Molecular Systems
The research topic Molecular Systems realizes an alliance of physics and chemistry with other disciplines like nanotechnology and photonics, which is rather unique to germany. It also includes applied laser diagnostics and material manipulation. In the Physics Institute, research follows conceptional combinations of microscopy and spectroscopy while activities in the Institute of Chemistry concentrates on the field of molecular reactivity. Accumulation of single molecules to nanostructures is of central importance. A Center of Nanomaterials and Analytics (nanoMA) has been established. In addition, two junior-professorships have been installed, one on Photonics and Optical Materials and the other one on Organic Semiconductors, which developed close relations to Complex Materials.
Scientific Modelling and Simulation
The research topic Scientific Modelling and Simulation is dominated by methodical aspects, which are primarily dealt within the theoretical groups. This topic is on advanced physical-mathematical concepts, as well as on analytical methods, and based on these, on numerical methods. It deals in particular with simulations which become more and more important in natural- and engineering sciences. Moreover, it analyzes mechanisms relevant for the functioning, modelling and simulation of systems and materials, with an particular focus on systems of high complexity.
The field of interest covers the full range from nanoscopic to macroscopic systems. In particular, the consequences of disorder forms an important bridge to the other research topics of our faculty. The chemically and physically oriented research in this theoretical-methodical research topic constitutes the basis for widespread interdisciplinary cooperations. The topic has a strong interdisciplinary character expressed on different levels by cooperations with engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists at the Chemnitz University of Technology. With this interdisciplinary strategy the Chemnitz University of Technology holds an exceptional position within the German Science Community. Finally, the research topic Scientific Modelling and Simulation provides the scientific base for the Computational Science Programme at the Chemnitz University of Technology.