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Institute of Chemistry
Institute of Chemistry 

Welcome to the Institute of Chemistry

The Institute of Chemistry was founded in 1994 and offers students excellent conditions in terms of equipment, supervision and range of curricula. Current research topics include catalysis, energy conversion and storage, membranes, molecular chemistry, and optically active materials. Young researchers from all fields and career stages as well as everyone interested coming from the industry are welcome. Please contact the respective professorships directly!

Current News from the Institute

  • Thursday, 23.01.2025 GDCh-Kolloquium "Frauen und Chemie? Ein historischer Rückblick" (Seminar/Colloquium)

    • Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Institut für Chemie
    • Time: 16:00 to 18:00 Location: Str. der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau 1/232 Language: Deutsch
    • Speaker: Dr. Gisela Boeck, Universität Rostock, Institut für Chemie, WM i. R.
    • Info: Anna Ullrich, chemnitz@jcf.io
    • iCal file