Instructions for theses at the Chair of Macroeconomics
This guide informs you about basic aspects of economic research, form requirements and correct citation as well as the preparation of a list of sources. Please use the guide for any kind of scientific work you want to do at the Chair of Macroeconomics.
Bachelor theses
A requirement for acceptance to the chair is the participation in advanced courses from economics such as:
- Professional VIP
- Economics seminars
- Elective courses from economics
Master theses
A requirement for acceptance at the chair is the participation of courses from the Master Economics such as:
- Advanced Macroeconomics
- Environmental and Resource Economics I / II
- Seminar Master Economics
Thesis Topics
- The macroeconomic effects of monetary policy - reference to the MORPEP research project
- CO2 pricing: distribution and steering effects - reference to the MORPEP research project
- The socio-ecological effects of green public spending - reference to the SEED research project
- Theses in cooperation with the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies Braunschweig
- The Paris Climate Agreement from an economic perspective.
- The European Green Deal -- a critical review.
- Economic comparison of national energy policies of individual countries.
- Macroeconomic effects of taxes and government spending.
- The marginal propensity to consume in theory and empiricism.
- National and International Climate Policy under Consideration of Carbon Leakage.
- Technological change and unemployment.
- Effects of subsidy programmes for employees.
- Civil society organisations and their contribution to the labour market.
- Determinants and development of labour force participation.
- You are welcome to suggest your own topics from the professorship's areas of work. A research question must be independently developed from the agreed topic.
- Please contact the professorship approximately four to six weeks before the start of the planned processing time and name one or two possible topic areas. With your request, please include an overview of your academic achievements (performance overview from the examination office).
- We will then arrange an appointment to discuss the issue in terms of relevance and feasibility. Please come to this appointment prepared (concrete idea for question, initial exploration of the scientific literature).
- You then create a one- to two-page exposé (idea and development of the question, presentation of the approach or methodology) and a preliminary structure of the work. These must be discussed with the person in charge.
- After approval from the supervisor, the final determination of the title and registration with the examination office takes place.
- The processing time depends on the respective examination regulations.
- Consultation appointments and colloquiums during the preparation of the thesis can be arranged individually with the supervisor as required.
- If your study regulations require a defense of your thesis, the date will be arranged individually with you.
- If you have completed a particularly good thesis, we would be happy to recommend it for an award for outstanding theses after consulting with you. The following prizes can be awarded, for example: Bundesbank Prize, Prize of the Federal Statistical Office, CWG Prize, Eleonore Dießner Prize, Marie Pleißner Prize, University Prizes of the Chemnitz University of Technology, WUS Sponsorship Prize and much more.
For further information, please contact the staff of the Chair of Macroeconomics.