Team, External Researchers & Adjunct Lecturers
Prof. Ziska Fields

Dr Ziska Fields has 13 years’ experience in the Financial Industry and 11 years’ experience in Higher Education experience. She worked as a full-time and part-time university lecturer and associate professor teaching various Management and Entrepreneurship courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Management courses include Advance topics in Management: International Business; Corporate Strategy; Business and Professional Ethics; Business Management; Business and Society; Business Communication; Marketing Management; Operations Management. Entrepreneurship modules include Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Entrepreneurship and Economic Development; Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Venture Creation; Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development; Entrepreneurship strategy and enterprise sustainability. She supervised and graduated several Doctoral (15 students graduated), Masters (7 students graduated) and Honours (15 students graduated) students. She was also the advisor of 3 Postdoctoral Research Fellows.
Research Interests/Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Theoretical and applied creativity
- Innovation
- Management and Leadership
- Entrepreneurship
- Responsible and Sustainable Management
- Human Resources Management
- Higher Education
- Future Studies
Education/Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung
- PhD in Business Administration at the North-West University, South Africa, 2010-2012.
- Doctoral Thesis “A conceptual framework to measure creativity at tertiary educational level”.
- Doctoral Advisor: Prof. Dr. Christo Bisschoff
- Master in Business Administration at the Management College of South Africa (MANCOSA), South Africa, 2005-2007
- Diploma in Management Sciences at the Management College of South Africa (MANCOSA), South Africa, 1999.
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences at the North-West University, South Africa, 1989-1992.
Journal Articles
- Bamata, H., Govender, K. & Fields, Z. (2019). An empirical study of optimal access to external finance by small and medium enterprise start-ups. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 17(3), 242-258 (ISSN 1727-7051).
- Naidoo, l. & Fields, Z. (2019). Critical success factors for the successful initiation of Lean in public hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal: a factor analysis and structural equation modelling study. Human Resources for Health, 17: 1-11 (ISSN: 1478-4491).
- Fayomi, E.J., Fields, Z., Arogundade, K.K., Awotunde, O.M., Ijamusan, O.C. & Onileowo, T.T. (2019). Evaluation of Owners’ Characteristics and Succession Practice among Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 11(3): 84-96 (ISSN: 2220-6140).
- Naidoo, L. & Fields, Z. (2019). Lean SPRInT: A management tool for initiating Lean in public hospitals in KwaZulu Natal. Journal of Contemporary Management, 16(2): 43-67 (ISSN: 1815-7440).
- Bomani, M., Fields, Z. & Derera, E. (2019) The role of higher education institutions in the Development of SMEs in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 11(2): 1-15 (ISSN: 1309-8047)
- Mashau, P., Fields, Z., & Nyawo, J.C. (2019) Evaluation of South African universities’ collaborations as drivers of entrepreneurship. African Renaissance, 16(1): 139-165 (ISSN: 1744-2532).
- Bamata N.H. & Fields, Z. (2018) The determinants of start-up awareness to improve access to bank financing for start-up entrepreneurs. Journal of Contemporary Management, 15(1): 192-217 (ISSN: 1815-7440)
- Abe, E.N., Abe, I.I., Fields, Z., & Ganiyu, I.O. (2018) Work-Family Stressors and Work-Family Satisfaction: Effect of Sense of Coherence at a Metropolitan Municipality. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(2), 74-88 (ISSN: 2220-6140)
- Nwokeiwu, J., Fields, Z. & Chukwuma, N.A. (2018) Training, Organisational Commitment and Turnover Intention among Nigerian Civil Servants. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(6A), 1-15 (ISSN: 2220-6140).
- Ganiyu, I.O., Fields Z., & Atiku, S.O. (2017). Work-Family Stressors and Manufacturing Firms Performance: Influence of Work-Life Balance Strategies. Journal of Accounting and Management, 7(3): 60-71 (ISSN: 1848-137X).
- Ganiyu, I.O., Fields Z., & Atiku, S.O. (2017). Work-life balance strategies, work-family satisfaction and employees’ job performance in Lagos, Nigeria’s manufacturing sector. Journal of Contemporary Management, 14: 441-460 (ISSN: 1815-7440).
- Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z. (2017) Banking policy, banks efficiency and job security in Nigeria. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 11(3): 103-115 (ISSN: 1751-8202).
- Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z. (2017) Cultural Values and Human Resource Outcomes in the Nigerian Banking Industry. SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, 67(2): 26-46 (ISSN: 1105-8919)
- Fayomi, E.J. & Fields, Z. (2016) Cross-disciplinary approach and entrepreneurial orientation in Nigerian universities: a conceptual framework. Journal of Contemporary Management, 13: 926-953 (ISSN: 1815-7440).
- Fayomi, E.J. & Fields, Z. (2016) Curriculum Contents Reform and Graduate Entrepreneurship Training in Nigerian Universities. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 14(1-2): 121-129 (ISSN 0975-1122).
- Adeoye, A. O., Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z. (2016). Structural Determinants of Job Satisfaction: The Mutual Influences of Compensation Management and Employees’ Motivation. Journal of Economic and Behavioural Studies, 8(5): 27-38 (ISSN: 2220-6140).
- Patrick, H., Van Niekerk, B. & Fields, Z. (2016) Security-Information Flow in the South African Public Sector. Journal of Information Warfare, 15(4): 68-85 (ISSN 1445-3312).
- Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z. (2016) The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Culture and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Banking Sector. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(2): 26-39 (ISSN: 2220-6140).
- Abe, E.N., Fields, Z. & Atiku, S.O. (2016) Influence of sense of coherence on work-life balance at the South African public service. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 14(1): 76-86 (ISSN1727-7051).
- Abe, E.N., Fields, Z. & Abe, I.I. (2016).The Efficacy of Wellness Programmes as Work-Life Balance Strategies in the South African Public Service. Journal of Economic and Behavioural Studies, 8(6): 52-67 (ISSN: 2220-6140).
- Fields, Z. & Atiku, S.O. (2015) Testing and Operationalizing a Model to Measure Creativity at Tertiary Educational Level. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 9(3): 283-296 (ISSN 0975-1122).
- Naidoo, L. & Fields, Z. (2015) The effect of Lean on staff morale in a rural district hospital outpatient department in KwaZulu-Natal. Journal of Contemporary Management, 12: 571-589 (ISSN: 1815-7440).
- Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z. (2015) Structural determinants of human resource outcomes in the Nigerian banking industry. Journal of Contemporary Management, 12: 815-837 (ISSN: 1815-7440).
- Shiri, A., Chirume, S. & Fields, Z. (2015) Determinants of Commercial Bank Profitability from Prior- to Post-Hyperinflation: Evidence from Zimbabwe. Journal of Economics, 6(2): 129-139 (ISSN 0976-5239).
- Fields, Z. & Bisschoff, C. (2014) Developing and Assessing a Tool to Measure the Creativity of University Students. Journal of Social Sciences, 38(1): 23-31 (ISSN 0971-8923).
- Atiku, S. Chitakunye, P., & Fields, Z. (2014). Influence of Organisational Learning and Human Resource Outcomes on Commercial Banks’ Performance in Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences, 40(1): 9-20 (ISSN 0971-8923).
- Atiku, S. & Fields, Z. (2014). Consensual and entrepreneurial culture: Insights from organisational culture and human resource development policy in Nigerian banks. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(17) (ISSN 2039-9340).
- Fields, Z. & Bisschoff, C. (2014) Comparative Analysis of Two Conceptual Frameworks to Measure Creativity at a University. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 12(3), 46-58 (ISSN 1727-7051).
- Memani, M. & Fields, Z. (2014) Factors influencing the development of productive entrepreneurial behaviour among university students. Journal of contemporary management, 11: 287-301 (ISSN1815-7440).
- Adeoye, A.O. & Fields, Z. (2014) Compensation Management and Employee Job Satisfaction: A case of Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences, 41(3): 345-352 (ISSN 0971-8923).
- Adeoye, A.O. & Fields, Z. (2014) Compensation Management and Employee Job Satisfaction: A case of Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences, 41(3): 345-352 (ISSN 0971-8923).
- Fields, Z. & Bisschoff, C. (2013) A theoretical model to measure creativity at a University. Journal of Social Sciences, 34(1): 47-59 (ISSN 0971-8923).
- Fields, Z. (2011) A conceptual framework for implementing creativity and innovation in business. Journal of Management and Administration, 9(1): 1-32.
- Fields, Z. (2010) Transforming a firms competitive landscape by understanding sustainable business practices. Journal of Management and Administration, 8(2): 9-31.
- Fields, Z. & Naidoo, L. (2009) Internal communication channels used in a BEE Bank. Journal of Management and Administration, 6(1): 66-85. Edited Books
- Fields, Z., Bucher, J. & Weller, A. (eds.) (2019). Imagination, Creativity, and Responsible Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
- Fields, Z. & Husig, S. (ed.) (2019) Responsible, Sustainable and Globally Aware Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
- Fields, Z. (ed.) (2018) Handbook of Research on Information and Cyber Security Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
- Fields, Z. (ed.) (2017) Collective creativity for responsible and sustainable business practice. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
- Fields, Z. (ed.) (2016) Incorporating Business Models and Strategies into Social Entrepreneurship. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
Book chapters
- Fields, Z. (2019), “Cognitive Skills Development at Higher Educational Level in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Case for Creativity” in Fields, Z., Bucher, J. & Weller, A. (eds.) (2019). Imagination, Creativity, and Responsible Management in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, pp. 126-157 (ISBN13: 9781522591887).
- Patrick, H., Van Niekerk, B. & Fields, Z. (2018), “Information Security Management A South African Public Sector Perspective” in Fields, Z. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Information and Cyber Security, pp. 382-405 (ISBN13: 9781522547631).
- Patrick, H., Van Niekerk, B. & Fields, Z. (2018), “Developing Cybersecurity Resilience in the Provincial Government” in Fields, Z. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Information and Cyber Security, pp. 336-363 (ISBN13: 9781522547631).
- Fields, Z. & Atiku, S.O. (2018), “Collaborative Approaches for Communities of Practice Activities Enrichment” in Baporikar, N. (ed.) Knowledge Integration Strategies for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, pp. 304-333 (ISBN13: 9781522551157).
- Atiku, S.O. & Z. Fields (2018), “Organisational Learning Dimensions and Talent Retention Strategies for the Service Industries” in Baporikar, N. (ed.) Global Practices in Knowledge Management for Societal and Organizational Development, pp. 358-381 (ISBN13: 9781522530091).
- Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z. (2017), “Multicultural Orientations for 21st Century Global Leadership” in Baporikar, N. (ed.) Management Education for Global Leadership, pp. 28-51 (ISBN13: 9781522510130).
- Fields, Z. & Atiku, S.O. (2017), “Collective Green Creativity and Eco-Innovation as key drivers of Sustainable Business Solutions” in Fields, Z. (ed.) Collective creativity for responsible and sustainable business practice, pp. 1-25 (ISBN13: 9781522518235).
- Patrick, H. & Fields, Z. (2017), “A need for Cyber Security Creativity” in Fields, Z. (ed.) Collective creativity for responsible and sustainable business practice, pp. 1-25 (ISBN13: 9781522518235).
- Mokoqama, M. & Fields, Z. (2017), “Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME): Call for Responsible Management Education” in Fields, Z. (ed.) Collective creativity for responsible and sustainable business practice, pp. 1-25 (ISBN13: 9781522518235).
- Atiku, S.O. & Fields, Z. (2017), “Organisational Learning Dimensions and Talent Retention Strategies for the Service Industries” in Baporikar, N. (ed.) Global Practices in Knowledge Management for Societal and Organizational Development, pp. 358-381 (ISBN13: 9781522530091).
- Fields, Z. & Atiku, S.O. (2016), “Management Education and Creativity” in Baporikar, N. (ed.) Innovation and Shifting Perspectives in Management Education, pp. 33-56 (ISBN13: 9781522510192).
- Fields, Z. (2016), “Using Creativity and Social Innovation to Create Social Value and Change” in Fields, Z. (ed.) Incorporating Business Models and Strategies into Social Entrepreneurship, pp. 97-112 (ISBN13: 9781466687486).
- Fields, Z. (2014), “Innovative Research Methodology” in Ghorbani, A & Takhar, A (eds.) Market Research Methodologies: Multi-Method and Qualitative Approaches, pp. 58-70 (ISBN13: 9781466663718).
- Takhar, A., Chitakunye, P., and Fields, Z. (2014), “The significance of SMS marketing among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within South Africa” in Ghorbani, A. (eds.), Marketing in the Cyber Era: Strategies and Emerging Trends, pp.37-66 (ISBN13: 9781466648647).
Conferences/ Konferenzen
- Ganiyu, I.O., Fields Z., & Atiku, S.O. (2017). Work and family stressors: The mediating role of work-life balance strategies. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of Management and Behavioural Sciences, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- Ganiyu, I.O., Fields Z., & Atiku, S.O. (2016). A conceptual framework to measure the effectiveness of work-life balance strategies and employees’ performance. Paper presented at the Fourth 21st Century Academic Forum, Harvard, USA.
- The role of collective creativity and responsible management practices to prevent the sixth extinction. International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration, 6-10 August 2015, Durban South Africa. ISBN: for 2015 - 1-997676-07-4 (2014 1-887676-06-6) (Fields, Z).
- Cooperation, collaboration and partnerships: a discussion of failure factors in strategic alliances. International Conference of the Academy of Business Administration, 6-10 August 2015, Durban South Africa. ISBN: for 2015 - 1-997676-07-4 (2014 1-887676-06-6) (with Lawrence-Ogunsanya O.F., Fields Z).
- The role of sense of coherence (SOC) on the achievement of work-life balance (WLB) at a municipality in the South African public sector. The Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS) in conjunction with The School of Management Studies at the University of Cape Town, 27th SAIMS Conference 2015, 30 August - 1 September 2015, Cape Town South Africa. DHET accredited conference (with Abe E.N., Fields Z).
- The association between organisational culture and human resource development policy in the Nigerian banking industry. 3rd International Academic Conference Academy of Business & Retail Management (ABRM), 10-11th August 2015, Paris France (with Atiku S., Fields Z).
- Factors that impact on the creativity of business management students at a tertiary educational level. Business School Partners Network (BSPN) Sixth International Business Conference. 27 – 31 August 2012. Diani Beach, Kenya.
- A conceptual framework for implementing creativity and innovation in business. Business School Partners Network (BSPN) Fourth International Business Conference. 13 - 14 October 2010. Victoria Falls, Zambia.