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URZ Workshop „Creating websites with TUCAL“
Planning new web offers

Planning new web offers

Which contents should be arranged in what way?

Content menu of a TUCAL website

Mapping this structure to folders and filenames

  • File/folder names become part of the URL (web address) – choose carefully!
  • Concise name, lower case letters or numbers, no special characters, umlauts, spaces or similar
  • Recommended file extension = .html – PHP code is also interpreted
  • Note: later renaming can be very time-consuming and affect other (even unknown) authors
  • One project = one folder, each with index file index.html (or index.php)
  • It is best to have a separate folder for each group of related web pages (menu items)
  • Stick to the structure, put files where they belong
  • Clean up and keep order: delete files that are not needed
  • Put pictures in a subfolder (e. g. ../images/) for more clarity
  • Store documents with special access rights in extra folders
Mapping the structure to folders and filenames
Exercise 4: Planning of the website
Open exercise