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Individual workplaces


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Individual workplaces

You find individual workplaces in the entire building, respectively in the lateral wings at the windows. The 90 most silent individual workplaces are located at the Reading Hall on the 2nd level as well as at the Gallery on the 3rd level. In addition, 16 single- as well as 3 double-booths (study cabins) on the 4th level are provided for adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology. Please get an overview on all workplaces available by visiting our interactive location map.

Individual workplaces

All desks are equipped with reading light. Each place is provided with power connection and the opportunity to fix a lock for your notebook. The desks are situated individually at the windows of the wings enabling undisturbed working.

The usage of the study cabins during the opening hours of the University Library by prior reservation is for adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology only.
Please find details regarding usage and reservation of the study cabins on the corresponding website.

All desks are equipped with reading light. Each place is provided with power connection and the opportunity to fix a lock for your notebook. The working places are part of long desks. Thanks to the transparent ceiling, an eye-friendly and relaxed working is possible.

Catalog workstations
Around the lending desk as well as at the side wings, you find specific PC-workstations for searching in the online-catalog of the University Library.
You may find those stations by the labels “Searching the catalog”.
At those computers, you may exclusively access the online-catalog and the website of the University Library.
At the side wings of the 1st and the 3rd level, PC-workstations are provided to all Library users.
Here you may access all e-books, e-journals and databases licensed by the University Library.
Adherents of Chemnitz University of Technology register by their University Computer Center login.
External Library users register by their user number and the password of their Library account.
Specific PC-workstations
In addition, there is a specific PC-workstation for working with a microfilm scanner.

For working with the own laptop, additional monitors are provided in the wings at the 1st and the 3rd level. Those stations are indicated by signs.
Cables/ adapters for the usage at the laptop have to be brought along.
The monitors are equipped with one VGA- and DVI-input at least, the majority also has an additional HDMI-input.
Those are distributed as follows:

1. level West - 2 Monitors 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / 🗸 - / -
2. level East - 2 Monitor2 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / -
2. level West - 2 Monitor2 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / 🗸
3. level East - 2 Monitors 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / 🗸
3. level West - 2 Monitors 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / 🗸 🗸 / -
The monitors are marked by respective labels. The monitors without HDMI-input are signed respectively.
Please address in case of malfunctions/ damages or inquiries/ remarks to the information desk at the 1st level or contact us via email: or phone: +49 371 531-13180.

You find convenient furniture in the entrance areas of the lateral wings on the 1st and 2nd level as well as in the east wing of the ground floor. Here, you are invited to make up your mind or to read or to just relax for a moment.

At the ground floor west, you may make use of a treadmill with working desk in the rear area.