University News: Wirtschaft
Young researchers from all over the world are welcome in Chemnitz
For the first time Technische Universität Chemnitz offers a “Scientist in Residence Scholarship” with 2,000 Euro per month – Application deadline: December 19th, 2014
A worthy record: 100th spin-off at the TU Chemnitz
A job engine in Saxony: the start-up network SAXEED has generated more than 300 jobs since 2006 – the firm Maiwald Engineering is the most recent example of this success story
Expertise in Demand: Career Service for International Employment
Dr. Christian Genz reported about career entry for international students at the German Rector`s Conference in Bonn – appears proceeding of the first Transnational Career Service Conference
Assessment of the Universities by the Personnel Managers
TU Chemnitz is considered to be on the up in a ranking published by the magazine `WirtschaftsWoche´, especially in Computer Science and Business Information Systems
A New Bridge to South Korea
On June 24, 2014 Technische Universität Chemnitz and the South Korean Konkuk University in Seoul signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Honor to Chemnitz for Conference Contribution
The Chair of Cognitive and Engineering Psychology convinced in Helsinki with its contribution to the user research of the composite project on electro mobility
Eight million euros for research on intelligent components
The German Research Foundation will continue to fund scientists from Saxony and Bavaria for another four years - the project led by TU Chemnitz
With intelligence of composites to new contacts
A booth of several partners around the Federal Cluster of Excellence MERGE presented their latest developments at the 4th Kompozyt-Expo in Krakow
Making materials lighter and stronger
Fundamental research with relevance for society: The Collaborative Research Centre "High-strength aluminum-based lightweight materials for safety components" receives funding for another four years
"I like Chemnitz. I believe this is a matter of thinking”
For a course of studies abroad Qian Sun came from China to the TU Chemnitz in 2002 - she stayed and founded the German-Chinese intermediary company "S. Glory"
Another milestone of the Indo-German Cooperation
The Institute for Print and Media Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology has launched a new laboratory for printed solar cells in Manipal, India on January 24th, 2013
Paper with good sound quality
At drupa print media fair, the Institute for Print and Media Technology of Chemnitz University of Technology presents printed loudspeakers on paper substrate and a solar tree with printed solar cells
Waste from the mill goes towards new material
Department of Hoisting and Conveying Engineering has developed a new plastic compound in collaboration with local businesses - 60 per cent is made up of a renewable raw material: oat hulls
A future in Saxony
Careers guidance for students and graduates, with up-to-date reports on industry sectors