University News: Wirtschaft
Collaborative Research Centre of Chemnitz University of Technology as co-organizer of conference
Collaborative Research Centre at SMART 2017 “ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials” from June 5-8 in Madrid
Smart Sensors in action
The Professorship of Electrical Measurements and Sensor Technology presents its research on SENSOR+TEST
The „Wissensbox Recht 4.0“ is online
The “Mittelstand 4.0 center of excellence Chemnitz” provides a platform for the legal framework of digitalization
Inauguration of the new University President
The inauguration of Prof. Gerd Strohmeier was accompanied by Federal Minister Prof. Johanna Wanka, Saxon State Minister Stange, and the President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Neugebauer, as guests
The Chemnitz University of Technology presents a globally unique pilot plant for sustainable lightweight construction
Winding principle reversed: The Orbital Wrapping process is about to set new standards in the large-scale production of complex fiber reinforced profiles
Further impetus for fuel cell technology in Saxony
The project family HZwo has a new member: the cooperation project of the Department of Advanced Powertrains of the Chemnitz University of Technology and FAE Elektrotechnik Heidenau has been launched
Lift off: 3D Printing for Airbus A380 Systems
World premiere in civil aviation due to Chemnitz know-how in lightweight design
Hybrid micromotors for the fight against cancer
Scientists of the Chemnitz University of Technology and the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden IFW develop a new method for the possible treatment of lower abdomen tumors
Third episode of TUCtalk now online
Fascination lightweight construction: Prof. Lothar Kroll, Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Cluster of Excellence “MERGE” answers all questions and gives insight into the research work of the Clu
Premiere at the Hanover Fair: clever films full of quantum dots
Wind turbines, vehicles or bicycle helmets can become safer: thin-film sensors for visualization of critical mechanical stresses
Lightweight construction protects the environment and increases car safety
Chemnitz researchers reduce the weight of the load-through system on the backseat of a SUV by more than half, production costs decrease by approx. 30%
An important step for autonomous driving
The start-up company NAVENTIK that emerged from the University received in the national start-up contest “Gründerwettbewerb – Digitale Innovationen” a main prize for software solution
Second Edition of „TUCdialogue“ published
The information letter of the Chemnitz University of Technology supports the dialogue especially between decision-makers from politics and disseminators of economy and society
No deserted factories
Advisory board „Digitale Wertschöpfung” of the Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport and the Chemnitz “Competence Center Mittelstand 4.0” demand better Know-How in “Industry 4
Call for Papers: Printing Future Days 2017
Junior scientiests from the Print and Media industry can submit Abstracts until March 15th, 2017 for the scientific conference "Printing Future Days"
„Parlamentarischer Abend“ delighted its guests
Successful premiere: 18 representatives of the Saxon State Parliament followed the invitation of the Chemnitz University of Technology on February 27, 2017 – intensive dialogue with the University
Customized mass products out of the digital printer
Partners of the Chemnitz University of Technology: New Lighthouse Project for digital production starts at both Chemnitz Fraunhofer institutes
Ecosystems for founders compared
A study of the Chemnitz University of Technology provides varying regional framework conditions for Start-Ups in Saxony and compares them to Start-Up strongholds such as Berlin, Hamburg and Munich
Finding one’s feet on uneven ground
Interaction between human and technology: Researchers of the Chemnitz University of Technology develop new application possibilities for robots
Focusing on Joining Technology, Materials and Surfaces
19th Material Technology Colloquium at the Chemnitz University of Technology from March 16 to 17, 2017