University News: International
Internationalization successfully put into practice
Chemnitz University participates in the HRK-Re-Audit „Internationalisierung der Hochschulen“ – international consulting team sees development of university as very positive
New Professorships at Chemnitz University
University President Prof. Gerd Strohmeier appointed two new professorships at Chemnitz University of Technology starting October 1st, 2017
Who has the highest reputation in economics?
In the ranking of the Handelsblatt, Junior Professor Robert Czudaj was listed among the Top 100 economists under the age of 40 years
Chemnitz electrical engineer receives award
Prof. Josef Lutz received an international award for outstanding achievements in the field of power electronics
Premiere: Matriculation ceremony in the Hartmann hall
The university management invites all students and employees to the festive matriculation event and to celebrate the beginning of the new semester on October 5th, 2017 – please register in advance
Chemnitz celebrates industrial culture between the past and the future
From technical textiles to the car power of tomorrow: Chemnitz University participates in the 8th Industrial Heritage Days from September 22nd to 24th, 2017.
Eighth edition of TUCtalk now online
Chemnitz University Head of Press Mario Steinebach reports on special challenges in the university communication and curious situations
Gestures: How hands talk, act, and work
The exhibition “Gestures – in past, present, and future” combines scientific, artistic, and technological perspectives on the human hand (Museum of Industry Chemnitz, 17 November 2017 – 4 March 2018)
Knowing one’s own visibility
University library supports researchers with bibliometric analysis of their own publications – survey on the usage of citation databases
Sustainable design and a more efficient operation of data centers
The European project “RenewIT” reveals new ways of more environment friendly energy supply – Chemnitz University researchers involved and results online available
Increased safety on Europe’s streets
EU funded research project on driving behavior with significant participation of Chemnitz University completed – publications available in spring 2018
From health-based fitness training to experience-oriented outdoor recreation
Double degree program of the “Gesundheits- und Fitnesssport” course of study of the cooperation between Chemnitz University of Technology and University of West Bohemia in Pilsen is ready to launch
Wanted: Diplomats for New York
Students of all departments of Chemnitz University of Technology can apply for the globally biggest United Nations simulation in Spring 2018 in New York until August 7, 2017
DAAD will extend the funding period for the project “InProTUC”
The project “InProTUC” will be extended until 2019 – Application deadline for sponsorship is September 30, 2017
Struggle in the world of startups
Chemnitz University graduate Tom Apel sought and found his luck with Chemnitz know-how in Silicon Valley near San Francisco
Sustainability is the business model of tomorrow
Pioneering: The Sustainable Textile School, September 18 till 20, 2017, of Chemnitz University of Technology supports the ecological textile production
More than just grand style
Chemnitz University researcher Frank-Lothar Kroll examines Saxon’s rulers in ZDF documentary – airdate: July 16, 2017, 11.30 p.m.
Wanted: Test persons for driving study
Chemnitz University of Technology is currently looking for test persons aged 18+ with own car and driving license B for a naturalistic driving study – allowance is 40 euros
Active commitment on the board of directors
Prof. Beate Neuss was elected Vice Chair of the German Association of Political Science
A fresh breeze in old (and new) channels
The Social Media Team of Chemnitz University introduce itself