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Mathematics Early-Enrollment Student Completes Challenging Course with Top Grade

Gifted student Melia Haase from Zschopau studies mathematics as an early student at Chemnitz University of Technology and achieved an outstanding semester exam

Melia Haase is 16 years old, attends school in Zschopau, and is the first early-enrollment student in over ten years to be enrolled at the Faculty of Mathematics at Chemnitz University of Technology. In the winter semester 2022/2023, she also achieved the best exam result ever for an early-enrollment mathematics student at the university in one of the most demanding introductory courses: Analysis I.

"I am thrilled that Ms. Haase was so successful this semester and completed the Analysis I course in the Bachelor's program in Mathematics with a grade of 1.0," says Prof. Dr. Tino Ullrich, head of the Professorship of Applied Analysis and mentor of Melia Haase. "Ms. Haase has already caught our attention with her outstanding performances in past Mathematics Olympiads. I am particularly impressed that she achieved all prerequisites without any deductions - and that in a course that is a major challenge even for first-semester students. I and her exercise instructor Dr. Martin Schäfer congratulate her sincerely on this great result," adds Ullrich.

Melia Haase herself discovered her passion for mathematics at a very early age: "I've been fascinated by mathematics since the fifth grade at the latest. That's when I first took part in the Math Olympiad and went to my school's math club. I also deal with mathematical training tasks and various methods in my free time,"  says Haase.

She has found the transition from school to Chemnitz University of Technology to be very enriching: "I took the Analysis I course at the university and particularly enjoyed how we developed everything from scratch here. Not like in school, where a lot is naturally predetermined," explains Haase. It was more demanding, but - unlike school - never boring, says the gifted student.

5th Day of Mathematics on April 1, 2023 offers illustrative lectures, hands-on exhibition, student team competition, and panel discussion with the Prime Minister of Saxony

The Faculty of Mathematics at Chemnitz University of Technology invites you to the 5th Day of Mathematics on April 1, 2023, from 9:45 am to 4:30 pm, in the Central Lecture Hall Building, Reichenhainer Straße 90. "We want to convey the joy of creative thinking to as many guests as possible and vividly demonstrate the importance of mathematics for many areas from science to business to politics," emphasizes Prof. Dr. Daniel Potts, Dean of the Faculty.

Highlights of the program include a plenary lecture by Dr. Anne Kandler from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig on whether mathematics can help save endangered languages. The centerpiece of the Day of Mathematics is the team competition for students in grades 8 to 9 and 10 to 12. In addition, the lecture hall building will host four mathematics labs for students, titled "Machine Learning", "Origami", "Sagrada Familia", and "Picture Hanging". The Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, will also be present. He will participate in a panel discussion at 3 pm on the topic "Future Technology Mathematics - also in Chemnitz?".

For more information about the program: www.tu-chemnitz.de/tdm

(Article: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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