Polish Visiting Professor Enriches Research and Teaching in Chemnitz
In the interview: Prof. Dr. Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska, Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Zielona Góra, who is a visiting professor at Chemnitz University of Technology from December 2022 to May 2023, conducting research in the field of modeling systems to support the management of production knowledge
Prof. Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska is welcomed by Prof. Dr. Martin Dix at the beginning of her six-month guest stay at the Professorship of Production Systems and Processes. Photo composition: Katja Klöden
Welcome back to Chemnitz, Professor, we are very pleased to welcome you again at the Professorship of Production Systems and Processes after your three-month stay in the summer of 2021. How did you get the idea to work at Chemnitz University of Technology again?
I am very pleased that I can contribute my knowledge, ideas, and visions here in the next six months. I have already been closely connected with Chemnitz University of Technology since 2020 through my role as international coordinator of the ZIM network "Manufacturing 4.0 through the development and transfer of progressive automation solutions - META". This summer, META network manager Dr. Matthias Rehm drew my attention to the call for applications for the Visiting Professors Program Saxony. As I heard, it is aimed at appointed female professors of all disciplines with an international profile who are planning a teaching and research stay at Saxon universities. I felt immediately spoken to and am very grateful to have received the funding commitment.
What is the focus of your research work here in Chemnitz now?
I am working on modeling systems to support the management of production knowledge. The key aspect of such systems is progressive intelligence to support the autonomous cooperative operation of production processes. This operation requires innovative systems, consisting of reference models and appropriate structures for data acquisition, to enable a rapid response in the event of unplanned crisis situations. In order to model such solutions, it is necessary to monitor the operation of machines, systems, and employees on a laboratory scale or in the company in order to build up the corresponding knowledge. Deep learning approaches can be used to effectively identify corresponding lead signals of potential problems in the enterprises. During my stay, I plan to further develop the system models that support management, based on the collected data and operational knowledge.
What other plans do you have for your time in Germany?
I would like to strengthen contact with my German colleagues, enjoy the beautiful Christmas atmosphere and get to know the city even better. Professional and personal exchange is particularly important to me, so I'm always happy when I can go to the cafeteria at lunchtime with the researchers from the professorship.
You speak very good German, surely that is an advantage when working here?
I have already completed several professional stations in German-speaking countries, which helped me to perfect my language skills. I worked at the university in Vienna for two years. I also received a scholarship at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus in 2013 and completed my doctorate there in the field of e-business. Afterwards, I even wrote my habilitation in German.
What are your visions for further German-Polish cooperation?
We naturally want to further develop our existing META cooperation network and involve more Polish research institutions and companies. In addition, our agenda includes joint work on scientific publications on sustainable production systems, participation in international conferences, and applications for new research projects to apply the models we have developed.
Good luck with that. Thank you very much for the interview.
(The interview was conducted by Katja Klöden / Translation: Brent Benofsky)
Background: Visiting Professors Program Saxony
The Visiting Professors Program Saxony supports nationally and internationally renowned female scientists who wish to spend three to six months at Saxon universities carrying out high-profile research and further enhancing their scientific reputation. The program is generally aimed at (inter)national female professors who have already been appointed and outstanding (inter)national female scientists from all disciplines who already meet the requirements for an appointment or who have obtained a comparable qualification in the context of research activity in industry. Personnel costs, travel expenses, and material costs will be funded. The program will be continued at the beginning of next year. For information on the announcement, please contact Stephanie Höber, tel. +49 371 531-37915, e-mail stephanie.hoeber@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de
Keyword: META Network
The cooperation network "Manufacturing 4.0 through development and transfer of progressive automation solutions - META" of the Professorship of Production Systems and Processes (Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Dix) was founded in 2019. It currently has 29 members, with whom numerous project ideas and funding applications are being developed. Accompanied by joint public relations work, the network partners have opportunities to exchange ideas and transfer knowledge. The content is focused on six lines of development: Control loop and manufacturing process monitoring, manufacturing process control, manufacturing quality control, modular automation solutions and manufacturing process development. The META network is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action under the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) until March 2023. For further information, please contact Dr. Matthias Rehm, tel. +49 0371 531-37447, and Armin Schleinitz, tel. +49 371 531-30122, e-mail meta@tu-chemnitz.de
Matthias Fejes