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Digitally Explore the University and the City of Chemnitz

As part of the TUC Digital Programs project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, international students can get to know the university and the City of Chemnitz in advance from their hometowns

The International Office (IUZ) of the university offers international students who would like to get to know Chemnitz University of Technology from a distance the opportunity to explore the campus and the City of Chemnitz in advance via digital platforms. The digital discovery tours are built on the well-established TUCcraft and the Actionbound city rally app, of which the IUZ has licenses for. Actionbound enables digital scavenger hunts that were developed in the TUC Digital Programs project. Employees of the IUZ have already created so-called "bounds," or scavenger hunts, for the university campuses at Straße der Nationen 62 and Reichenhainer Straße, as well as for the city center and the area around the City of Chemnitz's Schloßteich. This allows interested parties to get to know the city and campus in a fun way. This is also ensured by interspersed factual questions that allow users to better understand their future place of study. Interesting facts about the history of the "Old Heating House" in the courtyard of the Böttcher Building, who the Weinhold Building is named after, and the colloquial name of the Karl Marx Monument are among them.

The IUZ and students have already been working for a year on virtually rebuilding Chemnitz University of Technology using the TUCcraft platform. Parts of the Böttcher Building and the Schiller Park opposite it in Chemnitz have already been completed. Interested parties can join at any time and learn about the dates of the working meetings online. Participants and interested parties currently meet every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Background: TUC Digital Programs

The TUC Digital Programs project aims to digitize the three international degree programs Advanced Manufacturing, Web Engineering and Embedded Systems. The professorships involved include Circuit and System Design (Head: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Heinkel), Sports Equipment and Technology (Head: Prof. Dr. Stephan Odenwald) and Distributed and Self-Organizing Computer Systems (Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Gaedke). The project is coordinated by the International Office of Chemnitz University of Technology. The project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) until December 31, 2022 with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In addition to offering digital courses, the project also includes digital offerings for social integration and getting to know Chemnitz as a university location.

For more information, contact Jennifer Bosniatzki, International Office, tel. +49 371 531-33072, e-mail jennifer.bosniatzki@iuz.tu-chemnitz.de.

(Author: Jennifer Bosniatzki / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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