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Researcher from Chemnitz University of Technology Receives International Award for Most Influential Paper

Prof. Dr. Janet Siegmund, Professor of Software Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology, received the Most Influential Paper Award at an international conference for her groundbreaking work on the understanding of the programming process.

The most influential research on understanding programming experience also comes from Chemnitz. Programming experience is an essential, but difficult to describe factor that has a great influence on the daily work of programmers. Prof. Dr. Janet Siegmund, head of the Professorship of Software Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology, together with her colleagues Prof. Dr. Christian Kästner (Carnegie Mellon University), Dr. Jörg Liebig (4soft), Prof. Dr. Sven Apel (Saarland University) and Dr. Stefan Hanenberg ( University of Duisburg-Essen) received the Most Influential Paper Award for their article "Measuring Programming Experience" on May 17, 2022. The article was released back in 2012 at the 20th International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) - the most important conference to understand and support the daily work of programmers. The award was presented online during the 30th edition of ICPC.

"I never thought this work would have so much impact. But I am glad that it has, and that we have been able to make a significant contribution to better understanding the process of programming. We've been able to help many researchers conduct valid studies in the area of understanding programming, so we've been able to improve the quality of empirical studies in software engineering in general," says Janet Siegmund. "This is an important step forward in understanding and optimally supporting the daily work of programmers, as well as preparing future programmers for that daily work."

The Most Influential Paper Award is given to scientific papers that have had a significant impact on research in the ten years following their publication. The committee recognized the development and validation of a test instrument for measuring programming experience. Second, it honored the fundamental development of a model that describes essential factors for programming experience. The results of Siegmund and her colleagues make it possible, for example, to better interpret studies and categorize at which experience level a programmer is. Thus, the quality of scientific studies in this area is significantly improved. In addition, individual skills that programmers need in their careers can be described more precisely and taught in a more targeted manner. Janet Siegmund's work, which has now received an award, was written as part of her doctorate at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Janet Siegmund, Professorship of Software Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology, tel. +49 371 531-34310, e-mail janet.siegmund@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de.

(Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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