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2019 International Symposium on Epi-Graphene
Dates and Fees

Dates (Updated):

10.12.2018: First announcement

15.01.2019: Second announcement, begin abstract submission

29.03.2019: End abstract submission (deadline extended)

29.04.2019: Notification of acceptance

15:05.2019: Start of online registration


Regular participants:

  • Early bird: 250.00 € (until 15.06.2019)
  • Late: 300.00 € (16.06.2019 - 31.07.2019)
  • On-site: 350.00 € (at conference site)


  • Early bird: 150.00 € (until 15.06.2019)
  • Late: 180.00 € (16.06.2019 - 31.07.2019)
  • On-site: 210.00 € (at conference site)

* Fee includes coffee breaks, lunch, welcome event, conference dinner, excursion.

** Students: Elegible for the reduced fee are students in Bachelor, Master or Diploma programs. They are required to send an official certificate of matriculation. PhD students are only elegible for the reduced fee if they do not hold a contract with their institution. They also must provide a certificate of matriculation.