South Eastern European Days 2013
The South Eastern European Days are dedicated to bringing students and guests of the Chemnitz UT closer to the Balkan region. The focus lays on the topics "European Integration" and "Oppurtunities for Academic Exchange".
Chemnitz UT and South Eastern Europe
But why "South Eastern European Days" in the first place? The European Studies program at Chemnitz UT lay their focus on Eastern Europe, a circumstance which is being reflected within the range of courses offered. Triggered by the European perspective, both students and members of the Insitute for European Studies seek exchange and cooperation with other European Universities and institutions. Many students take their chances and take part in exchange semesters, internships abroad, or both.
A new trend can be noticed, directed towards South Eastern Europe, preferably to countries of the Balkan region. A vivid proof of this trend is that students of Chemnitz UT, voluntarily and based on personal initiatives, establish contacts with countries of the aforementioned region. The Balkan is of considerable importance for the further development and future scenarios of the European Union. Hence it appears natural to reflect this growing importance within the academic practice of European Studies at Chemnitz UT.
Structure of the South Eastern European Days
Out of these two main motives - on the one hand, the students' personal dedication, and, on the other, the general political situation in Europe - the organizers made it their goal to use the South Eastern European Days to give incentives for further preoccupation with the European perspectives of this region.
On day one, professors from the participating countries are going to share their knowledge about the status of European integration in their respective countries with the audience. The participating countries are going to be: Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia.
Day two is going to be mainly dedicated to student experiences. At this point, UT Chemnitz-students who have been to South Eastern Europe for exchange semesters or internships, as well as some students from the respective countries, are going to share their impressions with the audience. Short introductory presentations will be followed by open discussion sessions. The main aim here is to give every visitor the opportunity to get involved and contribute to the South Eastern European Days.
A "Balkan Night" at the University's "Club of Cultures" will serve as a cultural bridge between both days of the event. Typical dishes, songs and dances will relax the atmosphere and give the participants a chance to approach the matter from a different perspective.