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TESOL / Advanced Academic English
TESOL / Advanced Academic English 

TESOL Research Projects

There are currently two ongoing research projects, one about digital feedback methods and the other one about the development of activities for the teaching of culture.

Please also visit Jun.-Prof. Dr. Schluer’s external website, ResearchGate profile, Instagram channel and YouTube channel for recent updates.


Logos Digi feed TESOL

Digital learning and teaching have gained in importance in the past years. But what about digital feedback? Less attention has been paid to it even though feedback is crucial for the learning process. Dr. Jennifer Schluer has therefore investigated digital feedback methods since 2018, specifically screencast feedback (SCFB). This is an asynchronous audiovisual feedback method in which assessors record their computer screen and accompanying audio in order to provide explanations, corrections and suggestions for scaffolding the self-regulated learning process. A brief introduction can be found here.

In order to foster the required skills among the future teachers, Dr. Schluer has developed a peer SCFB approach which she implements in her seminars. She continuously evaluates the data from multiple perspectives in order to derive practical suggestions based on her empirical insights.

In addition, she has published a book about Digital Feedback Methods (Schluer, 2022). It presents and discusses fifteen digital feedback methods, including feedback in text editors, cloud documents, chats, blogs, forums, wikis, surveys, polls, e-mails, automated written feedback, as well as multimodal feedback in video conferences and recorded audio, video and screencast feedback.

For her work in this area, Dr. Schluer received a Digital Fellowship by the Saxon State Ministry for Higher Education, Research and the Arts (Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Kultur und Tourismus) in 2021/22 and was nominated as a Digital Change Agent in 2022/23. Her current project, “Pedagogical guidance for the use of digital feedback: Digital feedback map (DFM)” is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (09/2022-08/2023). It aims at developing a Digital Feedback Map that teachers and students can use to learn more about different digital feedback methods and to assist them in their implementation (website currently under construction).

Furthermore, Dr. Schluer will host a Digital Feedback Conference in June 2023.


Culture Tesol

Language learning and culture learning are closely intertwined. Given the status of English as an international language and widely used lingua franca, these interconnections deserve special consideration. In fact, speakers with diverse linguistic and cultural repertoires might have different linguistic and cultural conceptualizations in their minds that could lead to mis- or non-understanding during a communicative event. In English language teaching, it is therefore essential to raise learners’ awareness of potentially differing cultural conceptualizations and to equip them with useful strategies for intercultural encounters. In that regard, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Schluer is specifically interested in the development of teaching approaches to raise cultural awareness, encourage reflection and develop interaction skills. Please see her publication on metacultural competence as well her doctoral dissertation for more information.